Clemens van de Ven | ru

Jacobus Clemens non Papa (also Jacques Clément or Jacob Clemens non Papa) (c. 1510 to 1515 – 1555 or 1556) was a Franco-Flemish composer of the Renaissance. He was a prolific composer in many of the current styles, and was especially famous for his polyphonic settings of the psalms in Dutch known as the Souterliedekens. Nothing is known of his early life, and even the details of the years of his artistic maturity are sketchy. He may have been born in Middelburg, Zeeland, though the evidence is contradictory; certainly he was from somewhere in modern Belgium or the Netherlands. The...
Amanda Clemens is a singer/songwriter from Canada. Her most famous song "I Don't Want To Be Me" was used as a part of the Soundtrack of Degrassi: The Next Generation (actually in the sequel "Whisper To A Scream"), a Canadian teen drama television series. .
There are two artists with the name Clemens. 1. Clemens (sometimes also MC Clemens) is a Danish rapper born in 1979 in Roskilde, Denmark. He has released five albums, and is a member of the rapcore band Die Dumme Dänen. 2. Clemens are an experimental rock band from Akron, Ohio. They have released one album, "Parting Waves", and an EP, "Resolutions". .
Clemens Brentano, or Klemens Brentano (9 September 1778 – 28 July 1842) was a German poet and novelist. He was born in Ehrenbreitstein, near Koblenz, Germany. His sister was Bettina von Arnim, Goethe's correspondent. His father's family was of Italian descent. He studied in Halle and Jena, afterwards residing at Heidelberg, Vienna and Berlin. He was close to Wieland, Herder, Goethe, Friedrich Schlegel, Fichte and Tieck. From 1798 to 1800 Brentano lived in Jena, the first center of the romantic movement. In 1801, he moved to Göttingen, and became a friend of Achim von Arnim. He married writer Sophie Mereau...
Клеменс Краус (нем. Clemens Krauss; 31 марта 1893, Вена — 16 мая 1954, Мехико) — австрийский дирижёр. Один из наиболее выдающихся исполнителей музыки Рихарда Штрауса. Клеменс Краус начал свою карьеру в Брно в 1912 году, в 1921 стал дирижёром оперного театра города Грац, в 1922 — дирижёром Венской государственной оперы. В 1924 — 29 годах работал во Франкфурте-на-Майне, в 1929 — 34 годах был директором Венской государственной оперы. В 1937—44 был генеральмузикдиректором Баварской государственной оперы (Мюнхен), c 1938 — её художественным руководителем. Впоследствии был генеральным интендантом Зальцбургского фестиваля. В 1953 принял участие в Байройтском фестивале, продирижировав циклом «Кольцо Нибелунга». Краус...
Найдено 1 песни, продолжительность: 03:43