Gert Westphal | ru

The Fingertips debut album in 2003 achieved first place on radio airplay charts with the single “Melancholic Ballad”. This was followed up with two more releases (2006 & 2007) which saw the band repeating their success with top radio airplay once again. The band has a loyal fan base and has supported Nelly Furtado, Queen, George Michael, The Corrs and others. In 2010 the band went on a search for a new vocalist and out of hundreds of candidates Joana Gomes was chosen giving the band a new voice and direction. “Simple Words” was the first recording by The Fingertips...
Яркий продолжатель знаменитой берлинской школы эмбиента. Его музыка характеризуется жизненной энергией, ей не свойственны треки продолжительностью в десятки минут, состоящие из бесконечных "падов". Его мелодии звучат очень современно, но не теряют старой доброй атмосферы. Это же ambient из берлина. ------------------------------------------ Голландский композитор. Родился: 12 декабря 1957 года С 1965 года в течение 3 лет получал уроки классического органа. С 69 начал "стучать". А в 76 с товарищами написал первую композицию, по всей видимости будучи вдохновленным легендарным Клаусом Шульцом. В 1978 впервые играл в музыкальном коллективе на ударных установках. В 1979 появился первый синтезатор Yamaha CS-10 и понеслось. С 1978-1989 играл...
Neil Hagerty is an American improvisational guitarist. He is best known for his work in Royal Trux. Hagerty released several solo albums following the band's demise in 2001, followed subsequently by recordings under the moniker The Howling Hex. Hagerty is also the author of two books, "Victory Chimp" (1997), a science fiction novel, and "Public Works" (2005), a collection of short essays. .
The band was formed in 1996 by the following members: Peralta Miguel:bass, Farkas Péter:drums and Mihály Gergely: vocals/guitar. There was only one change of members in the history of Angertea, after having recorded our first demo tape with six songs (Hangok a ködben ("Voices In Fog")), in 1998 Péter left the band and Bárkai László took his place. We published two more demos (”Minden, mire emlékeznél” (in english: "Everything, What You Remember") in 1998 and ”Promo 2001” in 2001), a full-length album (”Lélekvágy” ("Soulwish") in 2002) and a kind of ”Best of” collection of the Hungarian era (1997-2003...). Besides these...