Helena Vondrackova | ru

There are multiple artists named Helena. 1) Helena (Helena Noguerra) is a Belgian-born successful actress, model and singer-songwriter. She sings and writes her own lyrics in French, English and Portuguese. She has worked as a radio DJ, covered Kylie Minogue's "I just can’t get you out of my head" in a very sensual version and published two novels. While still modelling, she met up with musicians, did some collaborations and also met Philippe Katerine who did most of the composing and producing of their two rather different projects. Azul (2003) is mostly bossa nova influenced with subtle electronic touches while...
Helena was born in a farm in Mato Grosso do Sul (Central West) and grew up surrounded by cowboys and guitarists. She was fascinated by the viola caipira (small acoustic guitar tytpical of the Brazilian countryside), but her family wouldn’t allow her to play, which she ended up doing anyway, undercover. She slowly became famous among the cowboys. She married upon her parents’ imposition at 17, then she abandoned her husband and started living with a man from Paraguay who played the guitar and the violin. She split aonce again and resolved to spend her life as a musician, leaving...
Česká popová zpěvačka narozená 8.3.1980 v tehdejším Československu zpívá již od zvého útlého dětství. V roce 1993 vydává své první album s názvem Marmeláda, ze které obdržela zlatou i platinovou desku. Kromě zpěvu se věnuje také herectví. Byla obsazena do rolí českých (např. Královský slib) i zahraničních filmů (např. Poslední prázdniny). Již od svých 17 let se věnuje také divadlu, hlavně pak v divadle Rokoko. Veliký úspěch měla její divadelní role v muzikálu Tajemství. V roce 2005 dostudovala filosofickou školu v oboru kulturologie. V roce 2006 vydává své úspěšné album Boomerang a o dva roky později album Fénix. Lucie se...