Nazo2 Suzuki | ru

The Suzukis were a 4-piece alternative rock band based in Wigan, England. Formed in 2002, the band comprised Chris Veasey (vocals), Adam Bamford (guitar), Robert Warnes (bass) and Stuart Robinson (drums). They signed to the Sony/Columbia "indie" label imprint Deltasonic (home of The Zutons, The Coral and The Dead 60's) in 2005. Following support slots with various labelmates - most notably The Fall in January 2006 - the band virtually fell off the radar. In July 2007, they released their debut single, the 4-track Reducer EP. A long gap followed as they began recording songs for inclusion on their debut...
Pat Suzuki was born Chiyoko Suzuki in Cressy, California (northern California) on September 23, in the early 1930s. As the youngest of four children, she was nicknamed "Chiby", which was Japanese for "squirt". She grew up on the family farm, and discovered her love for singing early on at church on Sundays and at local events. But things took a bad turn with the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and Pat and her family were one of many Japanese-American families forced to enter internment camps. After release from the camp, her family returned to California. After attending college at San Jose...
Масаа́ки Судзу́ки (鈴木 雅明, Masaaki Suzuki) (29 апреля 1954, Кобэ) — японский дирижёр, органист, клавесинист, крупный представитель движения аутентичного исполнительства. Родился и был воспитан в протестантской семье. В 1979 году окончил Университет изящных искусств и музыки в Токио как органист и композитор. В 1979-80 стажировался в Консерватории Свелинка в Амстердаме у Тона Коопмана (класс клавесина) и Пита Кее (органный класс). В 1981-83 преподавал клавесин в Высшей школе музыки в Дуйсбурге (ФРГ), после чего вернулся на родину, где начал концертировать как солист и (позже) как хоровой дирижёр. В 1990 основал и возглавил коллектив (барочный оркестр и камерный хор) «Японская Бах-коллегия» (англ....