Nação Zumbi | ru

Zumbi, also known as MC Zion, or Baba Zumbi, is a critically acclaimed emcee from Oakland, California. Along with producer AmpLive, Zumbi comprises the underground hip-hop duo Zion I. In addition to seven albums and several mixtapes produced under the Zion I moniker, including two with The Grouch of Living Legends, Zumbi has released a successful mixtape series called The Science of the Breath. He has released four volumes to the series, along with a one entitled Break Bread. He is also working with Houston native and former K-Otix member producer The ARE as The Burnerz. .
Chico Science & Nação Zumbi (CSNZ) was the former name of the Brazillian band led by Chico Science prior to his death on February 2, 1997. The remaining musicians continued on under the name Nação Zumbi. CSNZ released two albums by the time of Chico's death, Da Lama ao Caos (From Mud to Chaos) in 1994 and Afrociberdelia in 1996. Both were critically acclaimed. The band was the major name in the fertile musical scene in the Brazillian city of Recife by the 90's. Together with the Mundo Livre S/A band, they were the main voices of the Manguebeat movement....
When Guatemalan son Juan Carlos Barrios retreated to the rural countryside near lake Atitlan (after the break-up of his hugely successful band Bohemia Suburbana) to write some new music, sartori struck, and he found his deepest inspiration in the very sights and sounds of the homeland he had always taken for granted. The sights and sounds of old men discussing politics, chicken truck horns, dusty generations-old salsa and jazz records, and the ubiquitous AM radio (the only frequency available there in rural areas) emerged to him in a way which transcended cliché and inspired him to express the poetry of...
Zumbi do Mato é uma banda brasileira de rock formada em 1989 em Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro. Hoje é composta por Löis Lancaster (vocal), Zé Felipe (baixo), Gustavo Jobim (teclado) e Renzo (bateria). Pela banda também passaram Tadeu (voz), Fumê (voz), Luciano Callado (teclados), Marlos Salustiano (teclado), Ricardo Dias Gomes (teclado), Érico Rosa (bateria), Bernardo Carvalho (bateria), Marcelo "Pancinha" (bateria), Henrique Ludgero (bateria) e David (bateria). Suas fitas-demo, a primeira "Zumbi do Mato" e a segunda, lançada em 1995, "Macacomóvel", foram pirateadas de teipe-deck em teipe-deck e chegaram aos confins do país, rendendo chamados para shows em várias cidades, e...
Найдено 80 песни, продолжительность: 05:44:01
Na Balada Do Rio Salgado
Mormaço 2004 (Live 2006)
Mormaço 2002 (Live 2010)
A Praieira(Southern Feelings Bootleg Mix)
Remédios (Live)
Zumbi x Zulu
inferno - nação zumbi
Amnésia Express
Purple Haze
João Galafuz
Samba do Lado
Ogan Di Bele
Jornal da morte
O caranguejo da praia das virtudes (Madame Satã)
Arrancando as tripas
O Cidadão do Mundo
Do mote do Dr. Charles Mambo Head / Azougue
Inferno (Lado a lado)
Lo-Fi Dream (Los sebosos postizos)
Quando a Mare Encher
Antromangue / Brasília
Na Hora de Ir
Nação Zumbi
Quando a Maré Encher
Quando a maré encher
Mormaço (live 2004)
Banditismo Por Uma Questao de Classe
A Melhor Hora da Praia
Quando a Maré Encher
Meu Maracatu Pesa uma Tonelada
Pela orla dos velhos tempos
Hoje, Amanhã E Depois
Maracatu Atômico (Atomic Version) 1996
Maracatu Atômico [Atomic Version]
Computadores Fazem Arte
Know Now (Nero BJ (Blunt of Judah) Theme)
Pela Orla Dos Velhos Tempos • fmd #189
Del Chifre's Beach