Preying Hands | ru

Bear Hands are a textbook example of contrasting personalities uniting to craft something more than the sum of their parts. Vocalist/guitarist Dylan Rau, the Brooklyn-based quartet’s self-confessed musical Luddite (“I can’t read music, but that’s ok because I’m more of an ideas man,”) peppers his supersonic chatter with an infectious collection of witticisms. By contrast his songwriting partner, guitarist Ted Feldman, grew up playing the cello and carefully selects his answers, admitting to being “a bit of a control freak.” Together, these contradictory characters have combined their strengths to deliver their sophomore album Distraction – a collection in which their...
The Hands From Seattle: Originally formed as a two-piece, The Hands have recently received a fair bit of attention throughout the Northwest after the release of their debut EP 'So Sweet' in October 2006. Visit for more information. The Hands From Rotterdam: The Hands are from Rotterdam and they have spend the last five years getting to know each other on a musical level through the means of endless jamming and improvising, which now forms the backbone of all their creations. They now try to move beyond genres and us all their influences to create something that moves people,...
The Handsome Family - альт-кантри группа из Чикаго,штат Иллинойс. Стиль The Handsome Family - это сочетание традиционного кантри, блюграсса, и темных баллад.Ранние записи содержат элементы рока. Тексты Ренни имеют повествовательный характер, опираясь на темы из готической фантастики, а также американской народной музыки, и часто с такими темами , как убийства, самоубийства и призраки. Некоторые песни также основаны на реальных исторических личностях и событиях, в том числе жизни и смерти Амелии Эрхарт ("Amelia Earhart vs. the Dancing Bear", на альбоме Milk and Scissors), Эмили Шоур ("Emily Shore 1819-1839", на альбоме Milk and Scissors), Роберт Уодлоу ( "The Giant of Illinois", на...
Джеф Джерман - американский музыкант-импровизатор, работающий с 1986 года под именем Hands To. Его музыка, вначале представлявшая собой коллажи из сэмплов, постепенно эволюционировала в направлении натуралистического звуколандшафта. Джеф известен также как основатель проектов City of Worms и Animist Orchestra. .