Rachid Taha | ru

https://soundcloud.com/senshi1992 .
Long time producer of audio and soundtrack CD's, founder and head of TEAM Entertainment, has been involved as producer with many recent works by Motoi Sakuraba. .
There are at least two artists named Rachid. The second one is a one-time fun single done in the Netherlands for Christmas. "Ik ben Rachid", a fun play on christmas and all shoarma/kebab restaurants in the Netherlands. Rachid, with this single on the label 21st Century Music presents himself to the large Dutch public R. Rachid was born in Morocco and came on his 7th year to the village of Oudenbosch with his family. Soon hit R interested in the Dutch-language songs by, among others, André Hazes, Frans Bauer, Koos Alberts, Frank Baker, Marco Borsato, etc. Rachid was discovered on...
Рашид Таха родился в алжирском городе Оран в 1958 году. Десять лет спустя семья эмигрировала во Францию, поселившись сначала в Эльзасе, впоследствии сменив несколько адресов, пока не осела неподалеку от Лиона. В начале 80-х, будучи простым фабричным рабочим, Рашид вместе с двумя приятелями основали трио и начали выступать во время обеденных перерывов на фабрике. Назвавшись Carte de Sejour (Вид на жительство), музыканты пели о проблемах расизма и эмиграции, отражая настроения так называемой "второй волны" эмигрантов - арабов и африканцев, рожденных во Франции. В 1982 году был записан первый EP с четырьмя композициями, не получивший коммерческого успеха, но довольно высоко оцененный...
There is more than one artist with this name: (A. A Czech contemporary band (B. A Brazillian female-fronted metal band (C. A Chilean funk/acid jazz/disco band http://www.facebook.com/mataharisoul (D. A Boston / Merrimack Valley Hardcore band www.myspace.com/mataharima (E. A Reggae Band from Indonesia. Catch 'em here http://www.facebook.com/pages/Matahari-Reggae-Band/77540950927 Matahari is a Czech band originated betweeen April and May 2001, its contemporary music style and members crystallized out through the years. From the hard beginning of this band is Žántí the main singer. Along its producing the band signed contract with MEDIATACK, whereas this cooperation was very short - no beginning, no end....
Найдено 176 песни, продолжительность: 13:39:33
Je suis africain
Hiya hiya
Hiya hiya
Perdu ta langue
Ya rayah
Ya Rayah
Ya Rayah
Like a Dervish
Ya Rayeh
Voila Voilà (album version) [feat. Brian Eno]
Египетская волна
Ya Rayah
Ya Rayhan
Je suis africain
Ya Rayah
Abdel Kader - Khaled, Faudel & Rachid Taha
0001 Египетская музыка
Rai rani
Je suis africain
Rai rani
Douce France
Rai rani
Shouft loubnet
Rai rani
Египетская музыка
Ya omri menage
Diwan 01 - Ya Rayah
Happy End
Египетская музыка
Ya Rayah (with Rachid Taha)
Ya Rayeh