Redhill Rats | ru

Surf Rats разезжали с турами и записывались в своём особенном стиле сайкобилли на рассвете британской сцены в начале 1980-ых. Группа записала два выдержаных в четких рамках сайкобилли альбома на Lost Moment Records. Во время увядания сцены сайкобилли в 1990-ых, группа продолжала эксперементировать со звуком под различными именами, двигаясь больше к звуку рокабили. Ведомая лидером Гэзом Марсоном (автор песен, гитара, и вокалы), группа гостролировала по Америке в 2001 и 2002 как Love Cowboys. С новым звуком рокабили/сайкобилли Love Cowboys были в туре, способствующем их выпуску двух альбомов. Последний альбом, Sex Kill A GoGo, был выпущен исключительно для американского рынка на Big...
"... [The Vertebrats] straddled punk, borrowing its direct drive, aggression and edgy attitude, but marrying it to a more classic pop melodic sense, and with more guitar playing rather than punk's power chord blitzes... Everything here makes the critical grade, thanks to seemingly effortless harmonies, frugal jet-pack riffs and an overall "rock the joint" loose feel..." -Big Takeover "...Less heralded, but almost as essential are long defunct Champaign, Illinois band The Vertebrats, who in its 1979-82 lifespan made a raw, but lovable noise that echoed the worthier aspects of power-pop, while presaging the Replacements school of punk-inflected confessionalism. The 'brats'...
The Muskrats play raw Rockabilly which captures the sound of obscure singles released on small labels in the 1950s. .
China Rats are inspired by a love of punk rock and the classic British guitar bands. That is, the very best bands - the ones with the greatest knack at conveying the frustrations and absurdities of their young lives. In these times where - let’s face it - prospects can generally be pretty crappy for men in their early 20s, China Rats have an irresistible energy and a turn of self-deprecating, tongue in cheek phrase, lyrics that could only have bubbled up from this part of the world. It’s not hard to see why their last hometown show sold out...
Collaboration between Dimitri from Paris and Aeroplane. .
Найдено 20 песни, продолжительность: 01:07:13
Rigs Of The Time
White, Orange and Green
Sheep Stealer
Goblin's Inn
Rocky Road To Dublin
Tramps and Hawkers
The Miller And The Lass
Sweet Betsy
Whiskey You're The Devil
Rain from Hell
White, Orange and Green
Cold, Haily, Windy Night
Building Up And Tearing England Down
Rain from Hell
Roddy McCorley
Dark Eyed Sailor
Your Love Has Served Me Well
Heroes of the Modern Times
Sailing round the World