S Strong | ru

Армстронг Дэниел Луи "Сэчмо" ("Сэчелмаут", "Гейтмаут", "Диппер-маут", "Диппер", "Фэйс", "Попс", "Литл Луис", "Кинг оф Джаз", "Амбассадор Сэтч"). Великий американский джазовый музыкант, трубач, корнетист, вокалист, руководитель оркестра, композитор. Дату своего рождения точно не знал и, скорее всего, выбрал ее произвольно - 4 августа 1901 года; более правдоподобная версия - 1898 год. Рос в бедной, неблагополучной семье. Мать - прачка, нелегально занималась проституцией. Отец - рабочий-поденщик. Воспитывался бабушкой. С детства был вынужден самостоятельно зарабатывать на жизнь продавцом газет, разносчиком угля, старьевщиком и тому подобное. В Сторвилле (новоорлеанском "квартале развлечений") слышал многих музыкантов раннего джаза, пел в уличном вокальном ансамбле, играя также на...
Several records under this name were issued during the 1920s. .
You grow, you change. 5th Platoon's Neil Armstrong has classically played a very "behind the scenes" role. He is the man, behind the man, behind the man. Only having joined in a couple of team battles (among them, the 97 World ITF Team battle for the World championship title), his importance to the group was hidden to most. As the point of contact for the majority of the 5P's business and one of the acknowledged founders of the crew, he was and still is the glue that keeps the collective together - updating the the website, getting the interviews, getting...
Дэйв Армстронг канадский рекорд-продюсер у которого есть хит номер один в танцевальном чарте Великобритании с треком Love Has Gone в январе 2008. .
Найдено 107 песни, продолжительность: 12:09:44
Belgograd's strong black coffee - Belgrad
Let's Get Fkd Up (Strong R. Remix)
The Rover - S Strong (Free Copyright Music)
It's my helloween
Reborn of Eclipse (Loquai's strong Remix)
Something Inside So Strong
Tout Est Bleu (Original Âme Strong S.A. Mix)
For strong
Love's so Strong
A strong scent is coming down
Too Strong To Mix Vol.5
my music ( beat's by Strong Symphony )
Q2 #25 - Shake it / What's Going On / Louder
Sultans Of Swing - Man's Too Strong
If He's Here, Who's Runnin' Hell?
S.O.S [Strong Girl Nam-soon OST Part.3]
That's How Strong My Love Is
Let's Be Strong Even When the Air Runs Out
That's How Strong (My Love Is)
That's How Strong My Love Is
Very Strong Element (Original Mix)
It's So Strong
That's How Strong My Love Is
That's How Strong My Love Is
That's How Strong My Love Is
Our Strong(pR-dG;SRK;FreeRa1n)
That's How Strong My Love Is
Donovan's Mix (OST Only the Strong )
That's How Strong My Love Is
That's How Strong My Love Is
Let's Jack (Original Mix)
That's How Strong My Love Is
Don't Dream It's Over
That's How Strong My Love Is
Tout Est Bleu (Original Ame Strong S.a. Mix)
That's How Strong My Love Is
That's How Strong
Tout Est Bleu (Original Ame Strong S.A. Mix)
Strong (It's all Austin's Fault Bootleg)
Hurricane's Bam | Strong Machine J
That's How Strong My Love Is
Cheap Thrills vs. Louder (Antonio Strong Mashup)
That's How Strong My Love Is (with Georgie Fame)