The Stoner | ru

Stonerwitch began as band in October of 1999 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, when drummer Sebastián Romani answered Fernando Gigliotti's tiny record-shop-placed ad in where he was looking for musicians to put a stonerrock band. Together, with the help of bass player Rodrigo Teixido, they start to rehearse a couple of dirty and fuzzed-out songs in the 70' vein, which would be recorded short time later in their debut album, titled "Ojos Del Salado", which was recorded entirely in Fernando and Sebastián's bedrooms without any type of professional assistance. The album was produced by guitarist Fernando, with the help of Rodrigo....
A progressive jazz ensemble based in Stockholm, Sweden - The Stoner are * Nils Berg – tenor saxophone, bass clarinet * Jonas Östholm – piano * Jon Fält – drums * Nils Ölmedal – double bass What makes them unusual is their connection to each other, which manifests itself in nearly telepathic playing. They also use digital sampling and delay, in a sensitive and deliberate manner - much like how Bill Frisell uses the technology to take his guitar into expansive settings and cinematic spaces, so do the Stoner boys with sax. The song "Virreina Bar" from the album "The...
Элисон Рэй Стоунер (англ. Alyson Rae Stoner; род. 11 августа 1993 года, Толидо, Огайо, США) — американская певица, актриса, танцовщица и модель. Наиболее известна ролями в сериале «Всё тип-топ, или Жизнь Зака и Коди» (в роли Макс), «Рок в летнем лагере» и «Рок в летнем лагере 2» (Кейтлин Геллeр), «Шаг вперёд 3» (Камилла Кейдж), «Оптом дешевле» (Сара Бейкер)[1]. Работала на подтанцовках у таких звезд, как Эминем, Outkast, Уилл Смит и Мисси Эллиот. Также озвучивала Изабеллу Гарсиа-Шапиро в диснеевском мультсериале «Финес и Ферб». Стоунер родилась в Толедо, штат Огайо, в семье Луан Ходжес (урожденной Адамс), . В Толедо она училась в...
Estoner is an Estonian rock band that formed in 2009 in Tallinn, Estonia. Musically the band can be described as a weird mash-up of crushing doom metal, the juiciness of stoner rock riffage, the songs have build-up characteristic to progressive rock, with an attempt to squeeze in surreal effects of oldschool psychedelia. Throughout time, they have called themselves stoner rock, stoner doom and also psychedelic doom. Those genre names are however quite misleading and it would probably be correct to say that Estoner is an experimental metal band. They have released a demo-cd, a debut album The Stump Will Rise...