Wooly Mammoth | ru

There are 7 bands that share the name Mammoth and one band formerly known as Mammoth: (UK) 1. After the split of Gillan in 1982, the bearded John McCoy (bass guitar; 19 stone) recruited session musicians 'Tubby' Vinnie Reed (drums; 22 stone), 'Big' Mac Baker (guitars; 24 stone) and Nicky Moore (vocals; 20 stone and 5'6") for his solo project. Initially christened 'Dinosaur', they changed their names after complaints from a similarly titled California blues outfit. Changing their name to 'Mammoth', the band toured with Whitesnake and Marillion and were generally well-received by fans, although an "incident" in Leeds meant...
Год создания - 1995, Страна - Великобритания. Как и другие известные команды Pork, например, Fila Brazillia и Solid Doctor, дуэт Марка Блиссендена (Mark Blissenden) и Эндрю Бёрдала (Andrew Burdall) специализируется на низких, глуховатых ритмах и расслабленной музыкальной атмосфере, но в отличие от других проектов больше тяготеет к инструментальному эсид-джазу. Парочка впервые встретилась с главой Pork Дэйвом Бреннадом (Dave Brennand) и Стивом Кобби (Steve Cobby, известный как участник дуэта Fila Brazillia) в клубе британского города Халл. Первым результатом их сотрудничества стал дебютный альбом Baby Mammoth под названием 10 000 Years Beneath the Street в 1996. В последующем году Блиссенден и Бёрдал...
With the growing desire to play their own music not fit for their cover band, GPS, Maxime Bellerose (ex-Lacrimae Mortalium), Paolo Di Stefano and Mathieu Savage decided to get together with drummer Pierre-Hugues Rondeau (ex-Hope&Horror), to try and fill this void. After a few rehearsals jamming on Melodic Metal riffs, the sound naturally progressed towards wahat Tunguska Mammoth is now: a combination of the energy of Metal and Hardcore mixed with Stoner groove and progressive rock’s intensity. Their first EP intitled “First Chapterse”, corded in their own rehearsal studio, serves as an introduction for the band’s forthcoming concept album. Tunguska...
Trick Mammoth are a pop band from Dunedin, New Zealand. trickmammoth.bandcamp.com trickmammoth.tumblr.com facebook.com/trickmammoth .
While self acclaimed as, ‘The most rock n roll, rock n roll band in the History of History’, MAMMOTH MAMMOTH deliver performances that ensure their tongue-in-cheek propaganda is eclipsed by the explosive force of their live shows. Described by one radio presenter as, ‘… impossible not to admire a band that has a sense of humour; that doesn’t take themselves too seriously - yet when it comes to their music, they are hugely serious about the riffage that hits you head on!’ It’s a sound MAMMOTH MAMMOTH call ‘Heavy-murder-fuzz.’ or its effect as. ‘...the type of rock that sometimes kills...