Thousand Foot Krutch What If | ru

“Мое служение заключается в том, чтобы быть там, куда меня посылает Бог”. Джон Форман Братья Джон Марк Форман и Тимоти Дэвид Форман родились в Сан-Бернардино (штат Калифорния) с разницей в два года. В детстве они с родителями часто переезжали из Массачусетса в Виржинию, затем в Сан-Диего, где обосновались на долгие годы. Обоих братьев вдохновляла музыка Led Zeppelin (Джон и Тим даже играли в группе Junior High, исполняющей кавер-версии песен Led Zeppelin), U2, The Police, The Beatles, Radiohead, Маилза Дэвиса, Nirvana, Джонни Кэша, Боба Дилана, и легендарного певца прославления Кита Грина. Музыкой Форманы занимались с ранних лет, поэтому уже не помнят,...
Serveral artist are called Footlose. 1. FootLoose is an acoustic celtic group based in Chapel Hill, NC. 2. Footlose is a garage / house / jungle DJ from London, UK. It is also incorrect name for a soundtrack by various artists. If this non-artist appears in your charts, please fix your tags. .
There are several artists under the name of So What: 1. A Japanese hardcore punk/d-beat band from the mid-80s. They played a very noisy style of punk, influenced by bands such as Chaos U.K. and Disorder. Their style is part of a movement in hardcore in Japan in the mid-80s, with bands such as Confuse and THE SWANKYS playing an extremely distorted and noisy style of hardcore/punk. 2. A young 4 piece band from The Hague, The Netherlands, playing pop/rock, consisting of singer/guitarist Bram Wesdorp, guitarist Alexander van den Kleyenberg, bass player Vincent van Heese, and drummer Joeri Gordijn. Recently...
There are numerous artists who use the name Bigfoot. 1) Bigfoot is a grime artist from Bolton, England. 2) Bigfoot is a one-man black metal artist from the Netherlands. 3) BIGfoot is a dubstep artist from Connecticut. 4) Bigfoot is an Australian Hip-Hop artist. 5) Bigfoot is a Rock band from Toronto, Canada. 6) A mythical hairy ape-like humanoid that is said to dwell in the more remote woodland regions of North America. .
Найдено 4 песни, продолжительность: 19:06
Safety Suit & Courtesy Call (Mix)
Courtesty Call & Safety Suit
Thousand Foot Krutch - What Do We Know