Dieter Keller | en

German jazz bassist and composer, born 30 September 1961 in Offenburg, Germany. .
Hanns Dieter Hüsch (born 6 May 1925 in Moers; died 6 December 2005 in Windeck-Werfen) was a German author, cabaret artist, actor, songwriter and radio commentator. With a working life of more than 53 years on the German cabaret stage and 70 of his own programmes he was one of the most productive and successful representatives of literary cabaret in Germany in the 20th century. Selection of his work: Cabaret (CD's & Books): * Frieda auf Erden. 1952 * Opus Pokus. 1961 * Da habt ihr es! 1967, Quartett mit Franz Josef Degenhardt, Wolfgang Neuss und Dieter Süverkrüp * Enthauptungen....
After putting Tiger Lou and Araki to sleep Rasmus Kellerman started to work on his first full length release under his own name. Rasmus Kellerman was born 1980 and is currently living and writing music in Berlin. He works as a graphic designer, likes film and enjoys a good Rioja wine. listen to the first demo at: Rasmus Homepage First Album is almost done and will be released on the 21st of May, it will be called "The 24th" ... .