Indivision feat Echo Inada, Kasger | en

There are two artists that have used the name Memphis May Fire: 1) A rock band from Dallas, Texas. 2) A heavy metal band from Baltimore, Maryland. Memphis May Fire is an American metalcore band currently based in Dallas, Texas. Since its formation, the band has released two EPs and four full-length albums, the latest being Unconditional which was released March 2014. Their music has been compared to Underoath and He Is Legend. The band formed in December 2006, but it was not until February 2007 that the group decided on the name Memphis May Fire having previously gone by...
Several bands are named Echoes. (1) A Progressive rock band, formed in late 2004 in Caracas, Venezuela, with the idea of making music without any kind of limits. Formed by three guitars, bass, keyboards and drums, adding a “cuatro” (typical venezuelan instrument) once in a while, you get to see a not so common line-up inside the standards of the genre. Shortly after the inception of the band, in may 2005, they won the prestigious “Festival Alma Mater Rock” in Caracas, being the first instrumental band in getting that award. Through 2006, they kept on playing live shows and in...
Echosmith is an alternative pop/rock band formed in Los Angeles, California in 2009. The band consists of the Sierota Siblings, Graham, Sydney and Noah. Graham (Age 17) plays drums, Sydney (Age 19) sings lead vocals and occasionally plays guitar or keys, Noah (Age 20) plays bass and sings backup vocals. Jamie (Age 23) used to be the guitarist and sang backup vocals but left the band in 2016. Echosmith signed to Warner Bros Records in May 2012. In 2012 they released a single, "Tonight We're Making History", which was featured on an NBC promotional advertisement for the 2012 Summer Olympics....
Official site: 八木類(Gt/Syn/Cho)、武井優心(Vo/Ba)、 吉田アディム(Gt/Syn/Cho)、山崎正太郎(Dr/Cho) 2010年 3月 Vo/Bの武井優心、Drの山崎正太郎が中心となり結成。同月31日下北沢にて初ライブ。 4月 サポートギターで吉田アディムが参加し、その後正式加入。 5月 武井(B)とアディム(G)がThe Mirrazのサポートメンバーとしてツアーに参加。 11月 結成半年にして、初音源”erectionary”(エレクショナリー)をタワーレコード限定発売。 同月 The MirrazのツアーのOAとして全国を回る。 2011年 2月 サポートギターだった八木が正式加入し新作の制作に着手。 6月 初の全国流通となる4曲入りシングル”Casually”(カジュアリー)をリリース。 10月 待望の1stアルバム”Maminka”をリリース。 「母なる大地ツアー」と題したリリースツアーを全国7箇所で行い、大盛況に終わる。 2012年 6月 2枚目となるミニアルバム”DINOSAUR”リリース決定。 .
Found 19 songs, duration: 01:11:23
Around the World (feat. Echo Inada)
Indivision & Echo Inada
Around the World
Around The World (Original Mix)
Around The World
Around The World |Jungle|
Around the world
Around the World (feat. Echo Inada)
Around the World (Original mix) [pro100_R]
Around The World
Around the World
Around the World [#jstsnd]
Around the World
Around the World [cut]