Mikołaj z Radomia | en

Orkiestra św. Mikołaja (The Saint Nicholas Orchestra) was formed in Poland in 1998. Since then they have focused their activities on everything associated with folklore, especially whatever has been condemned to be forgotten, and yet can inspire and enrich contemporary culture. The instruments played are: violin, dulcimer, mandolin, mandola, double bass, dutar, flutes, bass drum, percussion instruments, guitars, turkish saz, and hungarian koboz. Stylistically they depart from traditional patterns by making use of foreign or non-traditional instruments such as dutar or guitars. The arrangements are acoustic, and they incorporate stylistic elements from many musical cultures. The words and melodies are...
Mikołaj Zieleński (birth and death dates unknown) was a Polish composer. Zieleński's only known surviving works are two 1611 liturgical cycles of polychoral works, the Offertoria/Communes totius anni. These were dedicated to the Archbishop of Gniezno, Wojciech Baranowski. The sets consist of large-scale double- and triple-choir antiphons, as well as some monodic works typical of the Seconda pratica style of early Monteverdi. Zieleński's music is the first known Polish music set in the style of the Baroque. .