Sombre Nostalgie | en

Nostalgie was formed by Ableben from Quebec to express his feelings of loneliness and despair; later Morbid of the United States and Lord Lokhraed of France joined the band to complete his vision. Line-Up: Ableben - Bass Guitar, Ambience, Lyrics Morbid - Guitars, Drums (Happy Days, Deep-Pression, Cold Floor To Embrace, Subliminal Torture, Secretly in Pain, Fixation, Dreams) Lord Lokhraed - Vocals (Helegion, Terra Mortis, Grim Landscape, Livor Mortis, Nocturnal Depression, Session For Valsblut. .
The Swedish popband Sombre View started in 1993. In the beginning the band consisted of four friends who shared an interest for melancholic, electronic popmusic. We were using a lot of strings and "floating" sounds which together with the violin, played by Anna, created the sound of Sombre View . The main influences at that time were bands like Depeche Mode and The Cure. The name " Sombre View " came up and just felt totally right for the music we were making - melancholic, sensitive and a little bit mysterious. In the summer of -93 we recorded a five-track...
Sombre Chemin is an entity dedicated to the memory of our ancestors, to the cult of Blood, to the fight against the system in power today and for the Pagan revival in our European lands. We do not support the old decadent nationalisms that have benefitted only the enemies of the Hyperboreans by always pushing us to shed the blood of a fellow Hyperborean. Our vision is the one of Blood Nations in a Europe freed from all influences of the desert. The lyrics are written in French, a language that on the one hand, is a perfect match for...
Los Fuckin Sombreros is a peruvian (Peru) rock band. They began in 2002. In 2003 they send to stores their first album "Bazuka!" with the hit song "Bazuka!" and "Sorprendido". In 2005 they send to stores their 2nd album named "Tornasol", the best of the albums of Los Fuckin Sombreros. In Tornasol the hit songs are Susi Blue, $$$$$$, Charlespunk and Moogriento. In 2006 they release "Sha-La-La", with the hit songs "Predicador", "Sha-La-La" and "Fuckin Twist" .
Found 2 songs, duration: 07:17
Sombre Romance
Sombre Nostalgie