Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet | en

Since their debut performance in early 2009, Document One, a duo comprised of producers Matt King and Joe Froud has risen rapidly to become a serious force within the fast developing Dubstep scene. They have received huge support from such heavy weights of the genre as Borgore, Bar 9, Excision and Datsik to name just a few. The pair’s production never disappoints a dance floor even when played alongside the most cutting edge sounds. Tunes by Document One have featured in sets from DJ’s such as Torques, Twist, Statelapse, Vaski, Borgore, Downlink and Crissy Criss. The list goes on.
The Clemencic Consort is an early-music ensemble from Austria comprised of international artists under the direction of René Clemencic. It performs in varying combinations of voices and instruments, depending on the programme. Singers and instrumentalists from around the world have made it their task to interpret music from the Middle Ages to the Baroque period on historical instruments. They set great store on lively authenticity, but at the same time they consciously avoid "the wagging finger". The programmes are structured in such a way that they convey a colourful overall impression of the respective period. Since 1966 René Clemencic has...
Neil Landstrumm and Tobias Schmidt making music together... Dirty techno!!! .
The Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra was formed in 1941 in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. The founder of Armenian national symphonic music Alexander Spendiarian, a student of Rimsky-Korsakov, conducted its first performance. As the leading symphony orchestra of Armenia, the orchestra's activities have included regular weekly concerts at Aram Khachaturian Hall, as well as concert tours throughout Russia, the United States, Canada, Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Iran, UAE, Lebanon, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey, performing at various prestigious venues like the Carnegie Hall (New York), Symphony Hall (Boston), Lincoln Center (Washington), Megaron (Athens), Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory...
Based on a 1989 Japanese video game, the phrase "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" has spread the internet with high velocity in the early years of the new millennium. The game called Zero Wing (Copyright Toaplan) was translated so poorly that the Engrish used in the game quickly became an internet meme. A Flash movie was created depicting several uses of the previously named sentence, sometimes shortened as AYBABTU and a Canadian group called "The Laziest Men on Mars" even created a music video with numerous photographs (some clearly digitally altered to include the sentence "All Your Base...