Animal | th

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There is more than one artist with this name:

(1) Animal is Aaron Nemec, a musician and visual artist based in West Lafayette, Indiana. He releases his lo-fi, indie pop albums on his own record label Executive Bird and provides most of them for free download at his website He changed his name from Animal to Drum Kit in the winter/spring of 2006.

(1b) Animal is also and currently still the drummer from Muppet show.
He's also the artist under the name, (incl. release catalog) for longest.
Animal's vocabulary is generally limited to guttural shouts and monosyllabic grunts, often repeating a few simple phrases. During performances, Animal is usually chained to the drum set, as his musical outbursts are extremely violent.
The 1st "Real Human" drummer behind the character was:
Most biggest hit:

(2) Animal is a psytrance producer appearing on the BLAH compiilation available in limited quantities on

(3) Animal is a math rock band from Brooklyn

(4)A.N.I.M.A.L., or Acosados Nuestros Indios Murieron Al Luchar, an Argentinian rock band active from 1993 to 2006.

(5) Animal is a hard rock power trio based out of Austin, TX, active since 2010, made of members of Austin's High Watt Crucifixers, and Lions.

(Not to be confused with former W.A.S.P. member's band Randy Piper's Animal. If you're here because of them, do and yourself a favor. Fix Your artist tags.) .


