Art Attacks | th

Thee Attacks are a rock band hailing from Aalborg in the Northern part of Denmark who have since relocated to Copenhagen. Terry, Johnny and Jimmy are founding members and in 2008 Ritchie joined. Thee Attacks has despite their age already gained a signicant reputation with the raw energy they express through their live shows. Grammy Award-winning producer Liam Watson (record producer) has produced their debut album "Thats Mister Attack to you" in 2010 and has also had his hands on their second album "Dirty Sheets" released from the Recordlabel Crunchy Frog in 2012. Jimmy Attack’s brutally honest vocal and the...
The Art Attacks was a British punk band from April 1977 to March 1978. Their songs released as singles were "I am a Dalek/Neutron Bomb" and "Punk Rock Stars/Rat City". The group was formed by Edwin Pouncey and Steve Spear, two students from the Royal College of Art, London for a one-off gig at the college. They were asked to do a gig at Wimbledon College of Art and this led to the bands' short career. They had two tracks on the, "Live at the Vortex" (NEMS) compilation album, (Frankensteins Heartbeat and Animal Bondage) and one on the "Streets" (Beggars...
Young, loud, and snotty. It seems as if those three core requirements have been absent in the hardcore scene as of late. In its place: black eyeliner, tight jeans, and thickly gelled hair; hardly reminiscent of Sunday matinees at CB’s. Hailing from that mecca of emo-tinged rock and birthplace of the oh so threatening style known as “fashioncore” comes Scraps and Heart Attacks to drink your beer, rock your town, bang your girlfriend, and inject a little bit of attitude back into hardcore. In early 2001 Scraps, then known as The Heist, got together with nothing more in mind then...
Wild, authentic rockabilly is what you’ll get from the Swiss/Austrian formation called MARS ATTACKS. In February 1998, these musicians who have all been active in different rock´n´roll/rockabilly bands for years, came together. Mars has launched its attack and the invasion is hitting spots all over Switzerland, Austria and Germany as well as Italy, France, Belgium, Holland, Portugal and Spain. The Mars Attacks rockabilly invasion even made its way to England (twice at the Hemsby Rock´n´Roll Weekender & twice at The Rockabilly Rave - where they backed “Arkansas Wild Man” & SUN Records legend Sonny Burgess) and the USA (in April...