Cavalier KRNE | th

There are multiple artists with this name: 1) A young music producer from Long Beach, California, making electronic music with heavy hip hop, r&b, soul and house influences. After releasing music off of his soundcloud in 2013, he gradually gained attention with original songs and remixes individually receiving hundreds of thousands of plays. 2) An MC from Brooklyn, New York out of the Dugout studio, known for reaching ridiculous levels of lyricism. 3) A rock band from Tacoma, Washington: Drawing upon an extremely wide range of musical influences, from modern metal bands such as Converge to classics like Billy Joel,...
Cavalier King is the music project of Brooklyn based singer/songwriter and artist, Chris Taylor. Rubric Records published Taylor's first record, The Sun Revolutions, in 2006. In early 2012 he released a new EP, Star Alarm, working largely in collaboration with producer Scott Fritz at Stranded on a Planet Productions. Cavalier King continues to release singles working with various New York & Brooklyn based DJs and producers. .
Cavalieri del Re sono un gruppo musicale composto da Riccardo Zara (Monfalcone (GO), 9 novembre 1946), sua moglie Clara Maria Teresa Serina (Itapetininga, San Paolo, 22 dicembre 1949), suo figlio Jonathan Samuel Zara (Milano, 12 giugno 1975), e Guiomar Serena Serina, sorella minore di Clara (Ibirarema, San Paolo, 7 marzo 1955). Sono specializzati in sigle di cartoni animati. L'anima del gruppo è Riccardo Zara, che studiando come modello i Beatles apprese come armonizzare quattro voci, sopperendo così in un complesso alla mancanza di strumenti. Il gruppo vero e proprio si forma nel 1981 per incidere la sigla de La spada...
Imagine a one man space odyssey to discover new worlds, new beats, new sounds... Cruising through galaxies of retro synths spinning out huge solos, arpeggios running wild through the space prairies and beats the size of Tyrannosaurus Rex. COF is piloting a solo space pod to travel back to the 80s on Planet Earth. But in his own private galaxy it's already year 2112... .