Hola Diablo | th

Diablo Swing Orchestra is a Swedish metal band from Stockholm. The band was formed in 2003. The origin of the name of the band is related on their website. The tongue-in-cheek back-story recounts a historically questionable ancestral story beginning in 16th century Sweden. Supposedly, ancestors of the band members performed orchestral works in defiance of the ruling church at the time (possibly in reference to the newly installed protestant Lutheran national church, in power during the mid and late 16th century). The orchestra was forced to go into hiding, performing in secret, with the assistance of oppressed peasants during the...
The Nova Schola Gregoriana is a group that has devoted itself to the study of Gregorian chant during the course of the last forty (?) years, basing its work on the research of scholars such as Dom Eugene Cardine, Dom Jean Claires, Luigi Agustoni and of the present artistic director, Alberto Turco. The Schola has won international critical acclaim for its performances, with participation in the festivals of Paris, Avignon, Avila, Cuenca, Como, Pomposa and Arona among others, with concerts throughout Italy, France, Switzerland and Greece, and tours in Japan and the United States of America. The ensemble performed at...
In one of the age's most uncertain hours, with streets on fire, random murders and the Nightwalker gaining in strength with every step he takes, a spark of dark light was raging through the old and downtrodden paths of the once glorious city of Antwerp, Belgium. When Alex Agnew, crawling home after a night of binging and badmouthing in his hometown stumbled upon this spark, he seized the opportunity and enkindled it into a fire of inspiration. Alex, mostly known because of his standup comedy appearances had already fallen in love with music even before the first time Frank Sinatra...
The “Choralschola der Wiener Hofburgkapelle” exclusively consists of former members of the “Wiener Sängerknaben”. Since 1952 the ensemble has been singing the Gregorian chants at the Sunday services in the Wiener Hofburgkapelle. Due to this continuous work, the the Schola developed into an internationally acclaimed vocal ensemble. In search of adequate contemporary interpretation, the ensemble also relies on the scientific results of the musicological and historical research concerning the tradition of Gregorian music. Since 2002 the Schola, being complemented by boy singers, has been collaborating with René Clemencic to also concentrate on the music from the founding era of the...