Del Sangre | tl

Despite playing a mixture of Hard Rock and Heavy Metal in their early works with their first singer José Castañosa "Lili", he left the band in 1985. The remaining members signed for Hispavox and they began to play something similar to Whitesnake. The band split up in 1992 with Glam Decadence. Reformed in 2005 by José Castañosa "Lili" (first singer), who had the name registered with a different line-up. The band only played a few times and they were planning to release a Live Album, but they didn't have much success and decided to split-up again in 2006. .
Sangre Cavallum is a Psychedelic Neofolk band from the Northern-Portuguese territory. They draw inspiration from the ancient tales of Gallaecia. Their aim is to play music for their ancestors and for their sons. Their lyrics explore many aspects of their language, of old words and sayings, a knowledge that is an invitation to a patriotic Whole and not just a poetic shelter of memory. .