Rudolf Schock | tl

Heinz Rudolf Erich Arthur Kunze (* 30 November 1956 in Espelkamp-Mittwald, Germany) is a German writer and rock singer. His greatest hits were "Dein ist mein ganzes Herz" and "Mit Leib und Seele" in 1985 and 1986. Kunze was born on 30 November 1956 in the refugee camp Espelkamp near Minden. His family had been expelled from Guben (Niederlausitz, now partially Poland). His father, an officer for the Waffen-SS and long-time prisoner of war, had returned only in the same year. In the 1980s, he rose to prominence as a singer. HRK, as he is often called, has also written...
Rudolf Buchbinder is an Austrian classical pianist (b. Leitmeritz, Czechoslovakia; 1946-12-01). Buchbinder studied with Bruno Seidlhofer at the Vienna Academy of Music. In 1965 he made a tour of North and South America. In 1966 he won a special prize awarded at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. Subsequently he has toured with the Vienna Philharmonic and appeared as soloist around the world. He also has taught piano at the Basel Academy of Music. He has recorded the complete Beethoven piano sonatas and variations for the Teldec label as well as both Brahms piano concertos with Harnoncourt and the Concertgebouw...
House of Schock was ex-Go-Go's drummer Gina Schock's short-lived solo project. Moving from drums to vocals, the former Baltimorean (who had played with local eccentric and John Waters star Edith Massey's performance art punk group Edie and the Eggs before moving to L.A.) hooked up with bassist Vance DeGeneres, a New Orleans native formerly of the local new wave institution The Cold. The duo gave their new project the rather unfortunate name House of Schock and drafted guitarist Chrissy Shefts and drummer Steven Fisher to record their sole album, 1988's "House of Schock". Although Capitol Records signed the new group,...
Natagpuan 119 mga kanta, tagal: 08:44:23
Da geht ich zu ''Maxim''
Sei mir gegrüßt, du holdes Venezia
Niemand liebt dich so wie ich
Die schöne Helena: Ja, ein Traum
Die schöne Helena: Ja, ein Traum
Gern hab' ich die Frau'n geküsst
Die lustige Witwe: Ich bin eine anständ’ge Frau
Die lustige Witwe: Komm in den kleinen Pavillon
Die lustige Witwe: Komm in den kleinen Pavillon
La Paloma
Dein ist mein ganzes Herz
Gleich einem Frühlingsabend
Mario! Mario!
Sonne Italiens
Freunde, vernehmet die Geschichte
In fernem Land
Heimliche Aufforderung
Magische Töne
O sole mio
Vater, Mutter, Schwestern, Brüder
Vater, Mutter, Schwestern, Brüder
Santa Lucia
Mädchen, in deinen Augen liegt ein Zauber
Wenn der freude Tränen fließen
Leise erklingen Glocken vom Campanile
Der Tempel Brahmas strahlt
Uber die Prarie
Wie freundlich strahlt der Tag
Folget der Heißgeliebten
Fruchte des Meeres
Blume von Hawaii
Wer uns getraut
Wenn der freude Tränen fließen
Uber die Prarie
Ave Maria
Freundliche Vision
Suzel, buon dio
Schäumt der süsse Wein im Becher
Dies Bildnis ist Bezaubernd schön
Wie eiskalt ist dies Händchen
Morgenlich leuchtend im rosigen Schein
Am leuchtenden Sommermorgen
Ich hab' einen Mann, der mich liebt
Doch heißt dich auch ein Pflichtgebot
Ach, so Fromm
Sterne, liebe, Sterne