Staffan Hellstrand | tl

Staffan Hellstrand is an Swedish musician and singer/songwriter. He was born May 13, 1956 in Spånga, Stockholm. Hellstrand was one of the members in progressive rock band Dimmornas Bro from 1978 to 1982. From 1983 to circa 1989 he was the singer, guitarist and songwriter in SH!. He made his solo debut with the album Hemlös in 1989. Here, Hellstrand sang poems written by loved Swedish poet Dan Andersson. Among Hellstrand's solo albums Eld (1992), Pascha Jims dagbok (1996) and Elektriska gatan (2004) has recieved the best reviews. Staffan Hellstrand wrote the official song for Sweden football team's 2000 UEFA...
Born Eskilstuna, Sweden Inspired by watching people on the move, Staffan constantly tries to push his own limits. "Watching people at a café or sitting by a busy street reminds me of how little time we have, and that future is always upon us". Staffan can conjure inspiration from, what seems to be anything that is constructed with the creative minds of other people, being architecture, sneakers or listening to new music. His passion for electronic music is deeply rooted in his perfectionist´s mind. The drive towards obliterating boundaries and developing new forms and structures in sound is not only...
Staffan Scheja, born April 25, 1950 in Danderyd, is an American pianist and professor. Scheja studerade 1964-69 i Stockholm för Gunnar Hallhagen och 1969-72 vid Juilliard School of the Performing Arts i New York för bl.a. Scheja studied 1964-69 in Stockholm Gunnar Hagen Hall and 1969-72 at the Juilliard School of the Performing Arts in New York, including Ilona Kabos. Ilona Kabo. 1975 var han pristagare i internationella Busoni pianotävlingen i Bolzano (Italien). In 1975 he was a prizewinner in the International Busoni Piano Competition in Bolzano (Italy). Han slog igenom redan i tonåren och har spelat på världens stora...