Vajas | tl

Vajas (Echo) represents a synergy of arctic voices and sound: (i) the traditional [link]Saami[/link] yoiks of Ánde Somby emanating from the distant tundra; (ii) the entrancing violin stylings and melodic voice of Kristin Mellem; and (iii) the renowned and captivating synthesizer sound voyages and creations of Nils Johansen. All three accomplished musicians call the arctic city of Tromsø, northern Norway home. Ánde Somby, besides being a famous Saami traditional yoiker, is also a well known legal scholar and Indigenous rights activist. Kristen Mellem is a classically trained violinist and composer who currently works with folk music, yoiking and community theatre....
Natagpuan 14 mga kanta, tagal: 46:22
Tromsoe Island
Peace Servant
star girl
Basavalingana Neeneyari
Prague consert 2004
Palabras vajas (road)
ne pianka
-мистер дудунец
пурпурная ночь 2