A Rocket Sent To You | tr

There are six artists using this name: 1) Sentinel is an Indie-​dream-​pop three piece based the Bay Area of Northern California, established since 2001. The seeds of this sunny-​seasid​e-drea​m-pop began with chance encounter between Tarabud (vocals/bass​), Dennis Bestafka (guitars), and Bill Mowery (drums) in San Francisco. Sentinel's sound is strongly influenced by their mutual visions of 80's synth and 90's dream-pop. Bands like Cocteau Twins, Smiths, U2, My Bloody Valentine, Cure, Flock Of Seagulls, Dead Can Dance. and Ocean Blue have provided consistent inspir​ations, creating a long catalog of moods & textures to draw from while developing their sound. Sentinel...
There are 3 artists using this name: 1) The Rocket is a three piece indie rock band from Bury, Near Manchester UK. The Rocket (Manchester) recently released their first album 'In emergency - Break Down' available from http://therocketmanc.bandcamp.com/album/in-emergency-break-down. 2) The Rocket is a Belgian five piece pop punk band. Over the past few years they released a full album (The Rocket/2008), an EP (Tales Of Madness And Mischief/2010) and a digital EP (Growing Pains/2012). Their newest full album titled Not Everyone Grows Up To Be An Astronaut was released on September 28th 2012 via Funtime Records. The band is notorious...
UK five piece combining raucous indie singalongs with progressive symphonies and awesome guitar solos, covering everything from epic piratical battles to bacchic orgies with mythical beasts. www.rocketeermusic.co.uk www.myspace.com/rocketeermusic .
There are at least six bands called The Rockets. 1) The band from which Neil Young formed Crazy Horse. The band began in 1962 as the doo wop group Danny & the Memories, with guitarist/singer Danny Whitten, and counting future Crazy Horse stalwarts Billy Talbot and Ralph Molina as members, the latter two are the only individuals present in every incarnation of the band. The group evolved through nascent San Francisco folk-psychedelia, eventually ending up in Los Angeles and becoming The Rockets by 1966 with Whitten on guitar, Talbot on bass, and Molina on drums, along with Bobby Notkoff on...
There have been multiple artists who have recorded under the name Rockets. 1. Rockets' history starts in Paris (France), in the year 1972, when they were known under the name Crystal. In 1974, they changed their name to Rocket Men (or Rocketters) as five aliens, bald, with grey eyes, silver skin and space suits, recording the single 'Rocket Man' produced by Claude Lemoine, who would become their producer 'til 1983. In 1975, they changed their name in Rockets and recorded a single 'Future woman'. In 1976, their first LP entitled, 'Rockets' was released in France, and the group launched a...
Bulundu 15 şarkılar, süresi: 52:17
The Law Of Entropy
Paper Beats Rock
The Agronomist
Red Light Returning
Chesapeake, America
Less The Sound
One Thousand Points Of Light
The Last Time I'd Ever See The Ocean
One Thousand Points Of Light