Pamela Givens | tr

"PAMELAH" (1995-2002) is a Japanese band of Techno-POP music, composed by Yuki mizuhara and Osawa Masashi, their music is basically a fusion between Rock music with electronic arrangement (made by Osawa Masashi), combined with the voice of Yuki Mizuhara. Members - Yuki Mizuhara(Vocal - lyrics - Chorus) - Osawa Masashi (Guitar - Keyboard - Programming - Composition - arrangement) Discography Single 1. LOOKING FOR THE TRUTH (1995 February 21st) 2. I FEEL DOWN (1995 July 26th) 3. Something it cannot love cleanly (1995 November 8th) 4. I shall be released (1996 February 21st) 5. BLIND LOVE (1996 July 31st) 6....
Pamela Spence için kullanılan bu etiket yanlıştır. Eğer sanatçı listelerinizde/etiketlerinizde bu şekilde görünüyorsa, lütfen’e ve kendinize bir iyilik yapın ve etiketlerinizi düzgün yazarak değiştirin. .
Raised in the Denver area, the African American Z received her bachelor's degree in music from the University of Colorado at Boulder, where she studied classical voice. After performing throughout Colorado as a rock musician under the name Pam Brooks, in 1984 she moved to San Francisco, where her experiments with live digital delay vocal processing began leading her down a different artistic path, and she changed her name to Pamela Z. In performance today, she typically processes her live voice through MAX MSP software on a MacBook Pro, combining operatic bel canto and experimental extended vocal techniques with percussion...