Paulo Gonzo | tr

Paulo Ricardo Oliveira Nery, ou apenas Paulo Ricardo, nasceu no bairro da Urca, Rio de Janeiro, em 23 de setembro de 1962, é um cantor brasileiro. Fez parte do grupo musical RPM, em que tocava baixo, de 1984 a 1989. Na década de 1990, o cantor iniciou uma carreira solo, com ênfase na música romântica, até que, em 2002, retomou a carreira junto ao grupo RPM, lançando CD e DVD ao vivo. Algum tempo depois, a banda novamente se desfez. Atualmente, Paulo Ricardo é líder da banda PR.5 e, recentemente, lançou o cd "Paulo Ricardo Acoustic Live". Neste CD, o...
Dragonzord is the song writing project of Dominic Angelella, a Baltimore native and current resident of Philadelphia. He's been performing in various incarnations since late 2005 and has recently stumbled upon a solid lineup. This lineup includes Joe Baldacci (drums, production), Nick Bockrath (guitar) and Andrew Black (bass). Other members of Dragonzord include Eric Slick and Frances Quinlan. Releases include a split with Mark Gunnery, a 7" called Hole World, and a record titled Significance Junkies. New Full length in 2010, followed by rigorous touring. .
Sao Paulo Underground is a collaborative project of Chicago cornetist and composer Rob Mazurek. Other recent projects prior to his move to Manaus, Brazil include Mandarin Movie and Chicago Underground Duo. The Debut for this collaborative outfit, Sauna: Um, Dois, Três, draws on a host of contributors, most notably Brazilian drummer/programmer/trumpeter Mauricio Takara and fellow Chicago Underground Duo member and drummer Chad Taylor. Other contributors include Wayne Montana and Damon Locks of Chicago’s Eternals, and São Paulo avant-gardists Marcos Axe and Tiago Mesquita. .
Paulo Raposo is a sound and media artist interested in exploring intersections between sound and image and sound and architecture. Raposo studied philosophy and cinema and has exhibited and performed his work in France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and United States. In the early nineties he founded the electronic music project Vitriol which remains active. Vitriol ongoing work puts an emphasis in the displacement of various sound sources as objects, acoustic instruments or architectural spaces, using computer and custom-built software to create abstract organic landscapes. .