Schola Hungarica | tr

The Nova Schola Gregoriana is a group that has devoted itself to the study of Gregorian chant during the course of the last forty (?) years, basing its work on the research of scholars such as Dom Eugene Cardine, Dom Jean Claires, Luigi Agustoni and of the present artistic director, Alberto Turco. The Schola has won international critical acclaim for its performances, with participation in the festivals of Paris, Avignon, Avila, Cuenca, Como, Pomposa and Arona among others, with concerts throughout Italy, France, Switzerland and Greece, and tours in Japan and the United States of America. The ensemble performed at...
The “Choralschola der Wiener Hofburgkapelle” exclusively consists of former members of the “Wiener Sängerknaben”. Since 1952 the ensemble has been singing the Gregorian chants at the Sunday services in the Wiener Hofburgkapelle. Due to this continuous work, the the Schola developed into an internationally acclaimed vocal ensemble. In search of adequate contemporary interpretation, the ensemble also relies on the scientific results of the musicological and historical research concerning the tradition of Gregorian music. Since 2002 the Schola, being complemented by boy singers, has been collaborating with René Clemencic to also concentrate on the music from the founding era of the...
The Schola Cantorum Amsterdam (SCA) was established in 1959 as the gregorian chant choir for the University of Amsterdam's Roman Catholic student community. .
Closely connected with research into plainchant history László Dobszay and Janka Szendrei founded the choir Schola Hungarica with the support of Benjamin Rajeczky in 1969. Its aim was to perform the scholarly examined melodic repertories and utilize the experiences of research. So far the ensemble has published 39 recordings and has been awarded several prizes in Hungary and abroad. Characteristically, Schola Hungarica does not rely on modern practical editions but uses the material of medieval sources as a basis, drawing thereby a realistic picture of some local plainchant tradition of the Middle Ages. Since the overwhelming majority of the sung...
Scholastic Deth was a straight-edge thrashcore/powerviolence band from the San Francisco Bay area. They released 3 EPs (Shackle Me Not!, Revenge of the Nerds and Killed by School, all on the 625 Thrashcore label) and a tape before disbanding in 2002. They had a sound which differed from many of their peers, which seemed to take a lot of qualities from old-school hardcore, creating fast, fun and positive music with a message. This message dealt with everything from skateboarding, the love of coffee and life as a nerd, to the lack of substance and political awareness in hardcore today, problems...
Bulundu 81 şarkılar, süresi: 05:30:53
Antiphon: Hodie Christus natus est
Dies est laetitiae
Alleluja. Dulcis mater
Christmas Motet: De profundis clamavi
Cantio: Fit porta Christi pervia
Christmas Motet: De profundis clamavi
Nocturnus II
Alleluia Video Caelos Apertos
6. a)Hymnus b)Antiphona c) Antiphona d) Antiphona
Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost - Introit: Resurrexi
Cantio ad laudem cantoris. Annus novus in gaudio
Officium Sti. Ruperti. Sanctis succrescens moribus
Hymn about St. Stephen King: Gaude mater Hungaria
Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost - Gradual: Hæc dies
Sequence: Cantemus cuncti
Old Roman Offertory: Vir erat in terra Hus
T.L. Vittoria: Motetum: Versa est in luctum
5. Antiphona: Cum appropinquaret Dominus
Weihnachts Motette: O admirabile comercium
Advent Mass 'Rorate' / a) Praefatio; b) Sanctus
Sequentia: Most énekeljünk mindnyájan így
Nocturnus III
Franchino Gafurio: Gloria
Kyrie virginitatis amator - Kyrie with Trope
Ádvent - Alleluja: Eljön Királyunk
Confirma (for Pentecost with trope: Laudes almo)
Si bona suscepimus - Closing Responsory
Super flumina Babylonis {Pierluigi da Palestrina}
Antiphon: Salva nos / Blessing: Noctem quietam
Antiphon with a Trope: Melchisedec rex Salem
Invitatory: Praeoccupemus / Psalm 94: Venite
Mass for Ascension - Introitus: Viri Galilei
Inventor rutili
Christmas Motet: De profundis clamavi
Kyrie Sanctorum lumen - Gloria
Responsory: Ille vero vultu - Meruit esse hostia
2. Kyrie Sanctorum lumen - Gloria
Nocturnus I
Responsory: Antquam comedam
Advent Mass 'Rorate' - 1. Introitus: Rorate caeli
Mass for the Holy Lance and the Nails
Sequentia. Gaude caterva
Veni, Redemptor gentium
Antiphon with Psalm: Cives mei vermes sunt

Video Schola Hungarica