Television Tom | tr

The most immediately striking component of Human Televisions sound is the guitar. Its perpetually jangly and deliciously upbeat, calling to mind all those underrated Teen Beat and Sarah Records bands who stood at the forefront of what some considered a Golden Age for our lovably nerdy counterculture. The production style is understated and really, barely noticeable; everything's crisp and relatively clear, but refreshingly free of any sterilizing sheen. The subject matter covered by frontman Billy Downing boredom, failed relationships, etc. is far from revolutionary, but the phrasing and presentation of his lyrics boast enough subtle nuance to take something fairly...
Television, 1973'de kurulmuş olan Amerikan rock/punk grubu. 70’li yıllarda New York Punk Platformu’ndan ortaya çıkan en önemli topluluklardan biridir. Grubun edindiği gitar tarzı 70 ve 80’li yıllarda ortaya çıkan bir çok garaj rock grubunu etkilemiştir. Television 70’lerde gitarist/vokalist Tom Verlaine, baterist Billy Ficca ve bas gitarist Richard Hell tarafından “Neon Boys” adıyla müzik hayatına başladı. 1973 yılının sonunda grup üyeleri aralarına gitarist Richard Lloyd’u da ekleyerek bu defa Television adı altında toplandı. Bir sonraki sene grup ilk konserini New York’taki Townhouse Tiyatrosu’nda verdi. Grubun hayran kitlesinin artmasıyla Verlaine’de grubunun CBGB’de sahne alabilmesi için klüp üyelerini ikna etti. Aynı yıl Verlaine,...
Television Room are a band that for whatever reason came together in Dublin in 2007. They make music using drums, bass, synthesizers, melodicas, glockenspeils, guitars, piano, mandolins, shakers, singing, shouting and whatever else they can think of. .
Ghosts of Television is 5 young boys making hypnotic, accusatory music for frightened angry people. Their music is party music for subterranean prisons and bedtime music for rabid insomniacs. .
Hailing from Malmö, Sweden, the band line-up is; Vocals, guitar and other stuff: Jon Rinneby Bass: Stellan Lofberg Drums and vocals: Erik Willman The band released their eponymous debut album in October of 2011. Turn off your television have been compared to Sparklehorse and Grandaddy and have a similar mellow, country-tinged, post-rock sound to these artists. .
Bulundu 7 şarkılar, süresi: 22:11
Music Television
money ah dem god (television tom minimal dub rmx)
Television Junkie
Television Magic w/ solarwick
Film Your Own Television
Quiz Tune for VARA Television