Toxic Waste | tr

Kontaktadresse: TOXIC WALLS c/o Alex Schmidt Glatzer Str. 1 31547 Rehburg [email protected] © .
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Wasted was formed in the fall of 1996 in Joensuu, Finland. They play raw old school punk rock, something that only few Finnish bands played back in '96. The band has released a couple of albums, the latest - Here Comes The Darkness - in year 2013. 2) Over the last 3 years Wasted (from Amsterdam) has slowly spread like a fire in the underbrush of the European live circuit. With a sound that is founded on the personal inspirations from the bands members such as Tom Petty, Aerosmith, Motörhead...
Wasteform is a Brutal death metal from Albany, NY. Official Myspace .
Young Wasteners are a hardcore punk band from Denmark. They released one LP on Kick N Punch Records titled "We Got Ways", and a posthumous EP called "Waiting" on Hjernespind. .
Bulundu 191 şarkılar, süresi: 11:58:47
Toxic Waste
Toxic Waste Chase
Toxic Waste
Toxic Waste
Toxic Waste
Toxic Shock
Traditionally Yours
Toxic Waste
Toxic Waste
Toxic Waste
toxic waste
Toxic Waste
Toxic Waste
Toxic Waste
toxic waste (prod. elxnce + nomu)
Toxic Waste
Sewerage of the Paradise
toxic waste
toxic waste
Toxic Waste
Toxic Waste
Toxic Waste Residuum
Toxic Waste
Le decor
Toxic Waste
Toxic Waste
Настанет время
17 - juin 2010
Face a personne
Toxic Waste Upheaval
B1 Traditionally Yours
Traditionally Yours
Toxic Waste
Toxic Waste
Le commun des mortels
Toxic Waste
Religious Leader
Electronic waste
Toxic Waste
Toxic Waste 1.2 (Acetochlor)