14 Iced Bears | zh

80年代初期,节奏吉他手Jon Schaffer和鼓手Greg Seymour同在美国印地安那州的一个绰号为“炼狱”的乐队里。1985年2个人来到了佛罗里达州,他们和贝司手Richard Bateman、吉他手Bill Owen、主唱Gene Adam一起在当地的俱乐部里进行演出,并录制了他们的小样。随后贝司手Richard 和吉他手Bill分别由Dave Abell和Randall Shawver代替,而此时由于得知另有乐队名叫“炼狱”,他们不得不将乐队改名为“冰冻地球”(ICED EARTH)。冰冻地球的作品融合了传统金属和80年代的THRASH METAL的风格,并在1988年他们的一张名为“进入领域”的小样里初露端倪。这盘样带使他们得到了于 Century Media唱片公司的一纸和约,但是在进录制他们的第1张正式唱片前前鼓手Greg由Mike McGill代替. 在接下来的欧洲巡回演出中,贝司手Mike和主唱Gene离开了乐队,并分别由Richey Secchiari和John Greely代替。乐队在新阵容下开始着手“暴风骑士之夜”这张带有宗教主题的概念性专集。 虽然乐队在欧洲已经打开知名度,但是在美国他们还是不为人知。这样的情况延续了3年,直到换了新主唱Matthew Barlow和鼓手Rodney Beasley以后,乐队于1995年发行了“燃尽的祭奠品”(Burnt Offerings)专集,终于在美国浮出水面。这张专集显现出了“冰冻地球”乐队的黑暗想象力。其中的一首“但丁的地狱”竟然长达16分钟长,而以往这样的概念性大作仅仅在老牌艺术摇滚乐队中可以偶尔见到。 “燃尽的祭奠品”专集发行后的巡回演出则极大地提高了乐队的整体水准,并在下一张录音棚专集“黑暗传奇”(THE DARK SAGA)中再次体现了他们的“黑暗”力量。“黑暗传奇”以“卵生”(SPAWN)这部动画里的人物为基本概念,有力地将颇具腐蚀性的金属RIFF和作品的概念创作融合到了一起。 “黑暗传奇”专集发行之后乐队成员又有所变化,贝司手Dave Abell离开乐队,Keith代替了他,而后这个职位又由 James MacDonough顶替。在结束了巡回演出之后“冰冻地球”乐队进入录音棚开始整理重新录制他们在1986年到1995年之间的一些作品。1997年的“炼狱之日”Days Of Purgatory这张专集有着他们一贯的娴熟技巧和强烈的创作理念。 乐队1998年的专集“来路上的邪恶事物”(Something Wicked This Way Comes)也是张概念专集,在里面他们尝试加入了比早期任何专集都要多的实验性因素; 1999年,双唱片专集Alive In Athens发行;同年乐队的灵魂人物---节奏吉他手 Jon Schaffer和德国POWER METAL乐队“盲守护者”(Blind Guardian)的 Hansi Ksch合作了一曲名为“恶魔与精灵的计划”( Demons & Wizards project)。这首歌被收录在 2001年的双唱片专集 Horror Show ,里继续走暗黑的路线 。 虽然有过无数的人员变动,可一贯坚持自己音乐风格的“冰冻地球”乐队终于享受到经过了漫长音乐历程后的巨大成功。 .
(Gt.Vo) Ochi Kenta, (Ba.Cho) Daisuke Ikeda, three-piece melodic punk band (Dr.Vo) Satoshi Kuwabara, active mainly in Osaka. .
The Priceduifkes started out back in 2003 as a two piece, watching gayporn and playing blink-182 covers with neither a drummer nor a singer. Now, 7 years later, they happen to have become the biggest sensation in the Belgian punkrock scene, with Ricky still not able to play his bass, Mambo still not knowing when to stop drinking before a gig and VS still ugly. They bring you punkrock the way punkrock was meant to be brought, with 3 chords and a bad attitude. A bad attitude and songs about Star Wars. Yeah. .
There are at least two bands called The Bears. The most prominent band called The Bears formed in 1985 in Cincinnati, Ohio, and continue to create new music today. Their sound may be categorized as Power-Pop or Prog Pop, but draws from a diverse pallet of influences, and features the distinctive avant-garde guitar playing of Adrian Belew, the band's most prominent member. In addition to guitarist, vocalist and producer Belew, The Bears consists of guitarist/vocalist Rob Fetters, drummer/vocalist Chris Arduser, and bassist Bob Nyswonger (without Belew, the three are known as the PsychoDots). In addition, there is a twee band...
找到了 33 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:43:55
Unhappy Days
Cut (In The Beginning 2001)
Sure To See
Train Song (In The Beginning 2001)
Ring The Far Bell (In The Beginning 2001)
Spangle (In The Beginning 2001)
Lie To Choose (In The Beginning 2001)
Balloon Song (In The Beginning 2001)
Jumped In A Puddle (In The Beginning 2001)
Balloon Song (In The Beginning 2001)
Hay Fever (In The Beginning 2001)
Gave You My Coat (In The Beginning 2001)
Cut (In The Beginning 2001)
Sure To See (In The Beginning 2001)
Come Get Me (In The Beginning 2001)
Come Get Me
Shy Like You (In The Beginning 2001)
Surfacer (14 ICED BEARS)
Come Get Me
Inside (In The Beginning 2001)
Summer Nights
Unhappy Days
Lie To Choose
Come Get Me
Cut (Peel Session)
Balloon Song
Come Get Me [VA - Sarah mix one]
Sure to see
Unhappy Days / Come Get Me, 1988
Unhappy Days
Julia Dream
Blue Suit