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Paramore这个年轻的乐队成立于美国Franklin,Tennessee,当13岁就开始唱歌的Hayley从她的老家Meridian搬到当地时遇到了同样热爱音乐的两兄弟Josh Farro和Zac Farro.随后bass手Jeremy Davis,Hunter Lamb加入乐队,一再增添了歌曲更为坚实的音乐架构。他们给自己起了一个特殊的名字 - Paramore。   随后他们开始在当地校园进行演出,并为一些大牌乐队做垫场嘉宾(据说,某日参加MCR的演唱会时,PARAMORE热场,简直是把场炒得HIGH翻了天),获得了不小的名气!经过几年不断努力练习下,这组青涩的活力队伍,已经登上Purple Door、Warped Tour等重要大型音乐祭典舞台。之后PARAMORE的才华被唱片公司相中,他们的首张作品邀请到了制作人James Wisner (Dashboard Confessional, Further Seems Forever, Underoath) 和Mike Green (Yellowcard, The Black Maria) 来担任。专辑发行后也获得了很好的反响,这也为他们07年的新专辑奠定了基础。07年6月,请到David Bendeth (Breaking Benjamin、Bruce Hornsby)与John Janick (Fall Out Boy、Panic!At The Disco)联手制作的签约华纳后第一张新专辑《Riot!》正式发行,很快就进入了Billboard等排行榜的前列,几个月内便取得了40多万张的销量,这也见证了乐队在过去一年里长足的进步。   女主唱Hayley Williams——个只有17岁的女孩。她的嗓音声音粗野,狂放不羁,具有相当的震撼力和爆发力。一个Emo-Punk乐队,音乐自然而紧凑,无处不散发浓厚的流行摇滚元素,正如同他们07的新专辑的名字《Riot!》那样,狂而不躁。因此很多人都相信他们会成为未来的王者。在08年的格莱美奖公布提名时,他们也凭借着自己出色的表现,获得了“年度最佳新人奖”的候选资格。   Farro兄弟离队:   在2010年12月18日,乐队吉他手Josh Farro和鼓手Zac Farro因为音乐理念不同而正式离队。而早在一个月前,Farro兄弟就已经告知主唱女主唱Hayley Williams,他们将会在周日的奥兰多演唱会后离队。   Farro两兄弟都是乐队的创始人之一,他们的离队对乐队和歌迷来说无疑都是一个沉重的打击。目前乐队只剩下主唱Hayley Williams,吉他手Taylor York和贝斯手Jeremy Davis。Hayley Williams跟歌迷表示不会解散乐队,Paramore剩下的三个人正在从Farro兄弟离队的阴影中走出来,并以筹备新专辑作为重新走上正规的第一步,他们希望能在今年年底完成这张新专辑。乐队收录在新专辑的第一主打单曲《Monster》已于美国时间6月7日首播。而Farro兄弟在退出Paramore后和他们的朋友组成了新乐队Nvlamerican,希望他们在新的道路上飞得更高。 ★曾在「超人再起之超人之声」电影原声带中,清新演绎Foo Fighters摇滚曲「My Hero」的美国田纳西州EMO女声摇滚乐团,正式加盟华纳首张专辑! ★发行首周即荣登iTunes另类专辑榜冠军,全美专辑榜Top 30! 曾在「超人再起之超人之声」电影配乐中,清新演绎Foo Fighters摇滚曲「My Hero」的美国田纳西州EMO女声摇滚乐团,由主唱 Hayley Williams (17)、贝斯手 Jeremy Davis (21)、主吉他手 Josh Farro (18)、鼓手 Zac Farro (15)以及吉他手 Hunter Lamb (20)共同组成。 这五人团体以甜美的旋律和真诚的魅力,最终引起了Ramen厂牌的注意,於2005年4月签下该团,并於同年7月发行首张专辑 “All We Know Is Falling”,迅速引起乐坛注意,在纽泽西Bamboozle Festival上更成为注目焦点、随后进行一连串的巡回演唱、也参予了Simple Plan、Straylight Run等乐团的演出。 第一张专辑:《All We Know Is Falling》   「超人再起之超人之声」电影原声带中,Paramore清新演绎了著名乐队Foo Fighters的摇滚曲"My Hero"   2005年7月26日发行首张专辑《All We Know Is Falling》 第二张专辑:《Riot!》   2007年6月12日Paramore发行了第二张专辑《Riot!》,依然延续上一张专辑的EMO风格,节奏更为紧凑,旋律更为出色。 《Riot!》发行首周即荣登iTunes另类专辑榜冠军,全美专辑榜Top 30!   在这满是阳刚味浓的摇滚区中,尤其90年代标榜引领复古庞克风潮,或是宣洩情绪的Emo-Punk乐派,纷纷大行其道的占领新世代摇滚乐界,Paramore的出现,让我们听到在这区块中女主音也能唱出的飙悍感,更甚的是久违优质女声新感动,但是要特别注明,这个狂放爆炸女声,有著相当感染力强的声频,全然释放在强烈重拍的旋律中,就连红到不行的热血冠军新偶像Fall Out Boys贝斯手Pete Wentz,以及庞克大团Less Than...
Evermore is an indie rock/alternative band originally from Feilding, New Zealand and now based in Melbourne, Australia. They formed in 1999. What happens when dreams become real life? The three Hume brothers of Evermore have come a long way since the release of their debut album Dreams. With over 300 live shows, an MTV Award, a NZ Music Award, the APRA Silver Scroll, five ARIA nominations, and hung a platinum record plaque on the wall of their home studio. It's a far cry from their humble beginnings in rural New Zealand, and it all culminates in their second album, Real...
One More Time is a Swedish pop band. Members are Nanne Grönvall, Peter Grönvall, Maria Rådsten and Thérèse Löf. In 1992 they began their international career with the release of the single and album "Highland," soon after which Therese Löf left the group. The single became an international success, entering the top 10 in the hit charts of more than 10 europeen countries and awarding them "Best Foreign Group" in Belgium. Their debut album went gold in South Africa. One More Time have participated in two Melodifestivalen, the Swedish selections for the Eurovision Song Contest. At the Melodifestivalen 1995, they...
From early No-Wave to Dark/Gothic Underground, from EBM via Techno to Electroclash - and back again! This is NO MORE! In 1981, the German band landed the underground hit-single SUICIDE COMMANDO, which spread internationally like a virus regardless of genre and scene. Whether in New York's Limelight, at the Love Parade in Berlin or on the soundtrack to the graffiti train writers movie "Dirty Handz": SUICIDE COMMANDO was played everywhere and reached a status that made the title feasible for prominent remixers. Thanks DJ Hell or Echopark, SUICIDE COMMANDO is still happening today as it was 25 years ago. After...
Forevermore is a five-piece metalcore band from Indianapolis, USA. Band Members: Kramer Lowe - Vocals Jared Storm - Guitar Alex Smith - Guitar Sammy Vaughn - Drums Michael Taylor - Bass Former Members: Jordan Furr - Vocals Derek Belser - Bass/ Guitar Drew Beechler - Bass Discography: "Moths and Rust" (June 2010) "Sojourner" (December 2012) "Telos" (July 2014) .