Briggan Krauss | zh

lison Krauss 是当今美国兰草音乐的领军者,“兰草音乐”(Blue Grass)是美国民间音乐的一种,从上世纪二十年代出现并开始发展,在新世纪里未显丝毫颓败之势,因Alison 这样优秀兰草歌手的不断革新,使兰草音乐焕发出更为迷人的气质,作品逐渐挤占主流唱片市场份额,且在全球都拥有越来越多的歌迷。   Alison的歌曲之所以吸引人是因其个人演唱魅力和她所创作的精致、纯正的兰草音乐。Alison的歌曲中使用的乐器依然是小提琴、曼陀铃、木吉他和斑鸠琴这样兰草的标准乐器,编曲配器也绝少矫饰,没有任何世俗渲染的音乐配上Alison Krauss清泉般透彻的歌声,使得兰草音乐愈加发扬光大。 .
Viktor Krauss is an American bass player and composer. He was born in Champaign, Illinois, in 1969 and now lives in Nashville. He is the brother of popular bluegrass performer Alison Krauss. .
Union Station is the traditionalist/americana band behind powerhouse singer and violinist Alison Krauss. Krauss has alternated between recording solo records and records with Union Station as a part of her contract with Rounder Records. While membership has varied over the years, the current band lineup includes: Barry Bales on stand-up bass Ron Block on banjo and guitar Jerry Douglas on Dobro Dan Tyminski on guitar and vocals Former members include Adam Steffey and Tim Stafford. .