Buddy And The Juniors | zh

1957年,阿尔及尔战争,非洲小国加纳独立,苏联有了人造卫星。1958年,戴高乐重掌政权,欧洲经济共同体建立。1959年,古巴革命,纽黑文城市重建。 伟大的六十年代到来之前的这三年躁动,正是Buddy Holly短暂的鼎盛:从1957年9月登上排行榜的That’ll Be The Day,到1959年2月3日,Buddy Holly,Ritchie Valens,The Big Bopper一起乘坐的飞机坠毁,连同驾驶员在内无一生还。 1936年9月7日,Buddy Holly出生在美国德克萨斯州的Lubbock,是四个孩子中最小的一个,原名Charles hardin Holley,Buddy是他小时候在家里的诨名。这一家人有着很好的音乐传统:Buddy的两个哥哥Larry和Travis自学吉他,姐姐Pat在晚间与母亲一起表演有钢琴伴奏的二重唱。每个星期日,Buddy都去当地的Baptist教堂为上帝唱欢颂的赞美诗。幼年的Buddy被从电台中听到的赞美诗,乡村歌曲和布鲁斯深深吸引。5岁时,他曾演唱一首Down the River of Memories并获得五美元奖金。11岁,Buddy开始学钢琴,但是二十堂课之后他就转向吉他。 1951年,Buddy结识Bob Montgomery。Bob当时是Hutchinson Jr.中学七年级的学生,弹吉他,唱乡村歌曲,他对乡村音乐的偏好影响了Buddy的选择。Buddy梦想着与Bob Montgomery一起,最终成为乡村音乐的二人组合。 十几岁时Buddy和中学里的朋友们在一支Western and Bop风格的乐队里演出。1950——1952年间他们在当地一些俱乐部里及中学组织的才艺表演中演出,有时加入贝斯,偶尔也会加上鼓。和谐优美的二重唱仍是他们演出的主要风格,通常,Bob Montgomery担任主唱。偶尔Buddy主唱时,人们会听到更多的弱拍节奏和他独特的嗓音,似乎这预示着Buddy的前途。他们在青年俱乐部里的观众逐日增多,演出范围也延伸到了Carlsbad, New Mexico和Amarillo这些地方。Lubbock的Cotton俱乐部,Bambaloo俱乐部, the Union Hall in Carlsbad以及Amarillo’s Clover俱乐部这些以"Buddy and Bob"的演出为招牌的地方,都更青睐Western and Bop这个名字。随后Larry Welborn又加入了贝斯。当地的广播站也在推动着他们的发展。全国第一个纯乡村音乐电台KDAV在芝加哥的WLS电台举办了全国性的Dance Barn表演后,开始每周举行“周日聚会”,Buddy和Bob是常客。他们广受欢迎,每个星期日电台都会播放半个小时Buddy和Bob演出,此时Bob仍是主唱。但到了1954年,Buddy在演出中唱了更多的布鲁斯和Bop爵士歌曲,同时他也开始歌曲创作。他们当时演出的歌曲中,Heartbeat和Love’s Made a Fool of You几年后被录进了唱片中。 为了“周日聚会”这个节目,KDAV电台发起了一些乡村音乐及早期摇滚乐的现场演出,请来的歌手包括Ferlin Husky, Marty Robbins, Porter Wagoner,Elvis Presley等。1955年时,Buddy Holly和他的乐队有一次机会在当地的一个Elvis Presley的专场上为他暖场,这对Buddy日后的发展有着深远影响。 1956年时,在Nashville,Buddy在Decca那里录制过唱片。但这些早期的努力几乎没有收获。一直到Buddy组建了新的乐队The Crickets(鼓Jerry Allison,吉他Niki Sullivan,贝斯Joe B. Maudlin),才开始崭露头角。在制作人Norman Petty新墨西哥的录音室,The Crickets录制了That’ll Be The Day,由Decca的附属厂牌Brunswick在1957年6月发行,起初唱片销量上升缓慢,然而8月That’ll Be The Day开始出现在全国的排行榜上。1957年9月,这张专辑登上了排行榜的头把交椅,在摇滚和R&B两类音乐唱片中它的销量均为最高。That’ll Be The Day的唱片封面上,四个肤色健康的年轻人穿西装白衬衣打红领带,在阳光下展露笑颜,一口洁净白牙。 随后,Decca在Brunswick厂牌下出版The Crickets的作品,而Buddy Holly的个人唱片则在厂牌Coral下发行。The Crickets的代表歌曲Oh, Boy!, Peggy Sue等也获得了成功。Buddy在录音室里开始了一些实验,比如原带配音和对器乐部分进行双轨录音。这看上去是一段灿烂而没有忧虑的日子。 重大的变化发生在1958年的秋天。这年秋天,Buddy Holly决定脱离The Crickets和Norman Petty。他与Elena Santiago结婚,并移居纽约的格林威治村。同年10月,Buddy Holly录制了旋律优美动听的True Love Ways和It Doesn’t Matter Any More两首歌,前者像是黑白老电影中舞厅里的舒缓老爵士,后者则是Paul Anka专门为Buddy 写的。这些温暖淳朴的作品加入了管弦乐器的编排,风格在当时独树一帜,充满了象永远无法实现的诺言一样的伤感情绪。 1959年1月,Buddy Holly与Ritchie Valens,The Big Bopper及其他艺人踏上一次中西部的巡演,这次巡演名为“冬季舞会之旅”。不幸的事情还是意外地发生了。1959年2月3日,Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens和The...
Armando "Buddy" Greco (August 14, 1926 – January 10, 2017) was an American jazz and pop singer and pianist. He has sold over one million records in several genres. Buddy Greco was born Armando Greco in Philadelphia. His mother introduced him to piano at the age of four. At an early age he was singing and performing on the radio and during his teens in Philadelphia clubs. When he was 16, he was hired by Benny Goodman and toured worldwide. He spent four years with Goodman's orchestra, singing, playing piano, and arranging. After leaving Goodman at the age of 20,...
Buddy Rich was an American jazz drummer and bandleader. He is widely considered to be one of the best drummers of all time, known for his virtuoso technique, speed, and power. From 1966 until his death, he led a successful big band in an era when the popularity of big bands had waned from their peak in the 1930s and 40s. He received no formal drum instruction and went so far as to claim that instruction would only degrade his natural talent. He also never admitted to practicing. He claimed to play the drums only during performances and was not...
Buddy Guy (born George Guy, July 30, 1936 in Lettsworth, Louisiana) is an American blues music and rock music guitarist, as well as a singer. Known as an inspiration to Jimi Hendrix and other 1960s blues and rock legends, Guy is considered as an important proponent of Chicago blues made famous by Muddy Waters and Howlin' Wolf. He has influenced both widely known and local blues guitarists. Guy is known for his showmanship; for example, he plays with drumsticks and walks into the audience whilst playing, the latter being a gimmick he picked up from a local blues guitarist at...
There are at least 3 bands with the name The Buddy System: 1) The Buddy System was a pop punk/emo band active in Washington DC. They consisted of members/ex-members of the Le Nouns, brick shitter, Grab Your Socks and the AM Flix. Tom Ripley plays guitar and sings, Michael Weber plays bass and sings, Chris Henley(the feed) played drums. they released one ep and two other tracks. they broke up in january of 2010, their last show was with cuddle circle at third st. with erik sedwick (the subjects/exb-brickshitter/frantic onslaught) on drums. michael and tom are starting new, more mathy...