Burnside Eleven | zh

想象一个不知名的酒吧。想象一盏盏发着淡淡光芒的灯泡在天花板下轻轻摇摆,灯下木桌上摆满空酒杯。想象有着精致发型的男人们向美丽的女人们求一曲美妙的舞蹈,然后一起进入Room Eleven. 又或者,悠闲地想象在那个最后的假日夜晚,性感的眼眸给出最后的一瞥,孤单的蚊子在耀眼的篝火中迷失。你可以肆意想象这些幻美的画面,它们带着些忧郁,有点儿性感,又充满夏日的热情,它们却从不缺乏真实。 So,想象Room Eleven,一个因Utrecht的音乐学院通知板上的留言而成立的乐队。2006年的处子专辑《Six White Russians and a Pink Pussycat》使他们混合着Jazz、Pop、Funk、Blues甚至一点Folk的音乐风格俘获了越来越多的听众的心。无论是纯正的Jazz爱好者还是喜欢Pop的年轻人,你们都会被他们舞台上的表现所感染。他们的专辑不仅为音乐爱好者们所称道,也获得了媒体的一片赞誉。他们处子专辑获得了大量评论的褒奖。有杂志诗意地描述了Janne Schra 的嗓音:a juicy green meadow, just after sunset, covered in fresh dew.(日落后笼罩在新鲜雾气里的一片湿润绿草地)一位电台DJ如此说到:她引诱你,只需一个句子她便让你感动,让你幸福。 如此看来,他们的这张处子专辑几乎一夜之间到达白金销量也就不足为奇了。Room Eleven获得了奖励年轻人的Essent Award,并以出色的舞台表演在North Sea Jazz, Crossing Border, Oerol and the Canadian Montreal Jazz Festival等音乐节上,在一系列的巡演中继续书写着他们的故事。(译/Sirius Zhang) .
Level Eleven is a dance act produced by Mauro Farina, Antonio Puntillo and Roby Arduini. Singles: "Thank U", "Sexy Boy", "Rapture", "Kiss Me", and "Underwater Love". .
11/11/2004, Nine Eleven (Tours / Le Mans, Riot States Killers / No Time To Lose) was born from the ashes of common passions and from the love shared by its members for the Spermbirds, Nirvana, Bane, black metal, ambiant moroseness and the foretold next 40 years of collective blooming in the loneliness of daily work, televirtual life, mass sendentarisation, the scenestar "cool attitude" on internet forums and the cynicism of a speech pre-formated by a rotten youth nourished with the feeding bottles of the entertainment industry... Not to mention the "cool" uniforms chemically enhancing the "cool" alternative French world, the...
Life equals emotion, and Thorn.Eleven are right in the middle of it; which explains why emotions are the main characteristic of their music. Their sound is wild and unbridled, sensitive and melancholy, it reflects suffering and disappointment just as much as hope and strength. Propelled by their own artistic enthusiasm, the band from Heidelberg allow tough guitar riffs to meet groovy rhythms, pairing them with versatile vocals and amazingly haunting melodies. Their self-produced CD, ..Inside.., which made the nation listen up for the first time, saw the light of day in 1998. The 2000 units of the first edition sold...
Eleven Hundred Springs is a country rock band from Texas. Called "long-haired, tattooed hippie freaks", their influences include Willie Nelson, Buck Owens and Doug Sahm.They are known as one of the few remaining outlaw country bands . Formed from the remnants of Dallas rockabilly band Lone Star Trio in 1998, EHS is made up of founding members Matt Hillyer (lead vocalist, guitar, primary songwriter) and Steve Berg (upright bass, harmony vocals), along with Danny Crelin (pedal steel), Jordan Hendrix (Fiddle) and former Toadies drummer Mark Reznicek. Their sound is Texas music, deeply rooted in traditional 'old school' country. Matt Hillyer...
找到了 20 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:32:10
11 - Alice Mae - 2001 - Burnside On Burnside
Burnside on Burnside - 11 - Alice Mae
Obsession Song
Serotonin Blues
Runaway Cat
Lovely Lovers
11. Walking Blues (RL Burnside)
Rotten Flesh
Moonlight Fighters
11. Walkin' Blues
Old Morpheen Moon
For A Little While
The Ballad Of A Ladykiller
The Bleach Experiment