Christopher Alvarado and Stephen Briggs | zh

Stephen Robert Nesta Marley, (⋆20 Apr 1972 in Wilmington, Delaware; raised in Kingston, Jam) is a reggae artist and producer, son to Bob Marley and Rita Marley and a 6-time Grammy award winner. 8-20 years old, he was a part of Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers. His solo debut Mind Control came 2007 (acoustic version 2009). He has produced much of his half brother Damian Marley's albums, as 2005's Welcome to Jamrock, and also for half brother Julian Marley. 2011 Stephen begun release a series of albums benamed Revelation... Jo-Ann Greene writes about "Mind Control" "Stephen has continued...
在1980年颁发的第23届葛莱美奖上大放异彩一连囊括最受瞩目的『年度唱片』、『年度专辑』、『年度歌曲』、『年度新人』等四项大奖再加上『最佳演唱编曲』奖,记录至今无人能出其右者,他的名字就是克Christopher Cross。Christopher Cross1951年出生于於德州,1973年组团,后来到洛杉矶打天下,1980年发行首张同名专辑叫好又叫座,在榜上待了两年多,至今销售五白金。其中共出现四首单曲∶包括得奖的Sailing(冠军曲),另外是他的首支单曲Ride Like The Wind(亚军曲)和两首前20名排行曲Never Be The Same、Say You'll Be Mine。由于声势如日中天,杜德利.摩尔、丽莎.明妮莉主演的浪漫喜剧【二八佳人花公子】主题曲Arthur's Theme也交由克罗斯演唱,结果为他添得一座奥斯卡『最佳电影歌曲』奖。1983年第二张专辑「Another Page」推出,All Right、Think Of Laura、No Time For Talk是其中单曲。1985年与1988年都分别推出「Every Turn Of The World」及「Back Of My Mind」,不过Christopher Cross已逐渐退出美国流行市场,同时也更换唱片公司。到2000年为止他一共发行有八张专辑,在日本、德国反而比家乡更为走红。 .
A star has risen. Christopher Martin, the talented singer/performer from Back Pasture in St. Catherine who shot to instant fame and recognition shortly after winning the coveted Digicel Rising Stars title in 2005, is fast becoming one of the most sought after performers on the Jamaican music landscape. With a slate of singles permeating radio and the Jamaican music charts including Giving It and Jamaican Girls, Christopher created history when he became the first Digicel Rising Stars alumni to score a hit single on any chart in Jamaica. ‘It has been a wonderful journey so far, filled with new and...
On Dec 28th 1964, Juan Carlos Alvarado was born in Guatemala, A few years later, he would become one of the pioneers of praise and worship in Latin America. Ever since he was a child, he felt a great inclination for music. At 17 years old, he had already become very proficient at playing piano and synthesizers. He was involved in one of the most widely known young rock bands from his city, where they interpreted the greatest secular hits of that time period. It was specifically in that time frame of being a “rocker” that Jesus Christ reached his...