DJ Antoine feat DVJ Bazuka MC Roby Rob | zh

There are two artists that have used the name Memphis May Fire: 1) A rock band from Dallas, Texas. 2) A heavy metal band from Baltimore, Maryland. Memphis May Fire is an American metalcore band currently based in Dallas, Texas. Since its formation, the band has released two EPs and four full-length albums, the latest being Unconditional which was released March 2014. Their music has been compared to Underoath and He Is Legend. The band formed in December 2006, but it was not until February 2007 that the group decided on the name Memphis May Fire having previously gone by...
瑞典著名女歌手兼词曲作家,本名Robin Miriam Carlsson,曾获格莱美提名。16岁便开始演唱生涯,至今已有15年。上世纪九十年代末曾在欧美国家有过若干大热单曲,事业巅峰期却因身体状况欠佳被迫回国修养。随后国际影响力锐减,遭遇唱片公司合约纠纷,并最终导致事业进入瓶颈。2005年自创厂牌发行专辑Robyn,在瑞典取得惊人成绩。2007年该专辑经过简单曲目调整后在英国发行,单曲With Every Heartbeat登上英国单曲榜冠军宝座,紧接着的一系列单曲都获得了不俗的成绩,Robyn在英国人气迅速增长。随后该专辑在全球各国陆续发行,反响普遍不错,获得第51届格莱美最佳电子舞曲专辑提名。 Robyn是如今为数不多的优秀流行歌手之一,她能巧妙地整合舞曲、电子、说唱、节奏布鲁斯等多种当下流行的音乐类型,创作出一首首风格多样却不杂乱的歌曲。她的作品甜蜜而性感,谦虚而有趣,透露出十足的时髦女性气息。 .