DJ Tarkan | zh

Tarkan(土耳其歌手)简介      Tarkan1972年出生于德国土耳其移民家庭。1986年返回土耳其学习音乐。Tarkan 不仅在土耳其流行歌坛占有一席之地,在中东、北非、欧洲、美国、拉丁美洲等地,其盛名也广泛流传。Tarkan出道于1991年,1993年他发行第一张唱片《Yine Sensiz》,这使他一夜成名。其后他又陆续发行了几张百万销量的唱片,进身为土耳其的流行歌曲王子。1999年他写出了《Simarik》一歌,一时风靡欧洲大陆,曾经在德国和比利时高据排行榜首。   正当Tarkan红透半边天时,土耳其国内媒体披露出他尚未服兵役之事,由于役期长达18个月,这可能将导致Tarkan的人气大挫,但恰好在1999年土耳其颁布了《居留国外男子可用金额折抵役期》的法律,而Tarkan拥有美国居留的身份,使他得以只需象征性的服一个月的兵役。当完兵后,Tarkan 又开始进行下一波的宣传,继续风靡拉丁美洲:在墨西哥办演唱会,挤进25万观众;在委内瑞拉、巴拿马等国的排行榜上硬是把瑞奇马汀从冠军宝座挤了下来。   “Simarik”,很多人听到这首歌都以为是印度歌,其实它道道地地是1997年发行的一首土耳其流行歌曲,而原本歌名也不叫“土耳其之吻”,而是“Simarik”(宠坏了),曾经在世界上被翻唱成好几种版本,包含希腊、塞尔维亚、英国、美国、香港都有人唱,其中最有名的应该就是在2002年由英国的荷莉瓦兰丝(Holly Valance,大家都翻成圣洁凡蕾丝,我是不太愿意把一个凡人冠上圣洁之名)的“kiss kiss”(亲亲歌),以英式电子曲风重新诠释的版本。 .
Since his early childhood in Frankfurt, LPs and singles were his favorite toys. His family's interest in music has played a great role on the growth of his love for music. In 1985, the family decided to move to Istanbul where his career as a DJ was going to begin. His professional music career started, when he became a DJ on one of the famous radio stations in Turkey. Right after showing up in the music scene as a radio DJ, he started to perform at the biggest clubs in Istanbul. Running fast in his music career, he had to...
Tárkány Művek plays an organic mix of traditional Hungarian music and contemporary improvistional music that is called jazz nowadays. The main connection is the element of improvisation in both music. In a longer term we try to bring the two styles closer to each other and try to create hungarian contemporary improvisational music based on the living traditions. Most themes are traditional Hungarian folk songs, some are Romanian. The lyrics are writen by Bálint Tárkány-Kovács, the leader of the band, but some text are traditional or writen by the great poet János Pilinszky. The tunes are arranged by Bálint Tárkány-Kovács....