Dominic Cooper | zh

风格: Hard Rock(硬摇滚) Heavy Metal(重金属) 起初,有一支名为Alice Cooper的乐队,由一个叫Vincent Damon Furnier的主唱领导。在这个主唱的一手策划下,乐队在开发重金属的戏剧性和暴力色彩方面领先一步,他们把音乐搞成了恐怖电影和杂耍,他们在舞台表演方面的吓人玩艺包括:电椅、断头台、鲜血(假的)、大蟒蛇和Furnier阴森的扮相。 当然事实不仅如此。他们在音乐上也有相当的成就,只是噱头太多影响了人们的注意力。取自六十年代吉他流行乐生猛简单的Riff和旋律表现了摇滚乐最基本但又最迷人的地方,甚至在乐队探索迷幻音乐和艺术摇滚时也是一样。 在原来的乐队解散后,Furnier开始以Alice Cooper为名进行独立发展,此时他的音乐不再像以前那样充满夸张活跃,而是转化成了直来直去的重金属。不过他在舞台表演中保留了那些令他获得“休克摇滚之王”称号的小道具。 Furnier的第一支乐队称作the Earwigs后来在1965年改名the Spiders,之后又用过Nazz的名字。The Spiders和the Nazz都曾在当地发行过小有一名的单曲。1968年他发现已经有一支叫作Nazz的乐队后,将队名改为Alice Cooper。关于这个名字,据说来源于Furnier在一次占卜中获得的启发,在那次占卜中他被告知他是17世纪一个同名女巫的转世化身。乐队包括主唱 Furnier(后来他自称Alice Cooper)、吉他手Mike Bruce和Glen Buxton贝司手Dennis Dunaway和鼓手Neal Smith。1968年乐队前往加州并遇见了Frank Zappa的经纪人Shep Gordon,他将Alice Cooper收归他的新公司Straight Records。 Alice Cooper1969年发行了他们的处女作《Pretties for You》,1970年初又发行了《Easy Action》但均石沉大海,乐队在洛杉矶看不到前途,于是来到Furnier的家乡底特律。乐队将他们古怪的舞台风格进行了精炼,1970末乐队签约于华纳唱片,在制作人Bob Ezrin的协助下,乐队在第三张专辑《Love It to Death》中发展了他们经典的重金属风格。这是张金唱片,出现了“Eighteen”这样既能反映青少年反叛情绪又可以打入排行榜的佳作。成功也使乐队可以将他们的现场搞得效果更专业,这又使他们的演唱会成为美国最受欢迎的演出之一。1972的《School's Out》是Alice Cooper在商业上的突破之作,名列专辑榜NO.2,同名单曲进入美国单曲榜Top10名列英国单曲榜首位,销量达百万。而紧随其后的《Billion Dollar Babies》更是火得不得了,在英美两地均居榜首。1973年,在发行了专辑《Muscle of Love》后,Furnier割袖绝情地将乐队其他全部解雇,自己占有了Alice Cooper这个名字,而其他成员则以Billion Dollar Babies为名发行了一张不成功的专辑。 1974年秋,Alice Cooper的精选《Greatest Hits》打入Top10。为了他的首张个人专辑《Welcome to My Nightmare》,Cooper雇用了Lou Reed的伴奏乐队为自己工作。这张专辑发行于1975年春,保持了一贯的风格和商业成功。在又发行了一张金唱片后Cooper的事业开始走下坡路,这里有风格改变的原因,也有Cooper个人生活恶习的原因。1978年,Cooper康复后创作了专辑《From the Inside》,并且在歌中与Elton John的歌词作者Bernie Taupin一起描绘了他的治疗过程。八十年代初,Cooper仍不断发行专辑并进行巡演,但影响力已大不如前,不过在八十年代后几年,由于他在恐怖电影中的表现和一些流行金属乐队对他公开表示敬意,他的好日子又来了。在金曲机器Desmond Child和一些客座大牌明星的帮助下,1989年的专辑《Trash》成了一张白金唱片,同时令Cooper重回Top10和聚光灯下。九十年代, Cooper仍不时出演一些电影也演出和出专辑,但在音乐上已经失去了影响力。 .
Manchester’s JP Cooper is a self-made, self-taught musician who manages to exist effortlessly within two scenes generally considered to be at varying ends of the sonic spectrum. Learning his craft on the Indie Rock scene, but later connecting with the Sing Out Gospel Gospel Choir, John Paul Cooper’s exquisite vocal and adroitly played guitar seamlessly encompasses the best of both worlds. It’s Indie with soul, soul with heart. This is meaningful music from the mind of a man who’s lived life, loss and longing. The 28 year-old defines the idea of what it is to be a truly singular artist...
Dominic Frontiere (born June 17, 1931) is an American composer, arranger, and jazz accordionist. He is known for composing the theme to the television series The Outer Limits. Born in New Haven, Connecticut, the son of a musical family, at age 7 Frontiere was already playing several instruments before deciding to concentrate on the accordion. At 12, he played solo at Carnegie Hall. After a stint with a big band in the late 1940's and early 1950's, Frontiere moved to Los Angeles, where he enrolled at UCLA. He eventually became musical director of 20th Century Fox. He scored several films...
Born in Buenos Aires in 1960, he spent the first ten years of his life growing up in Argentina before embarking on a journey northwards to Wisconsin, North America. After starting to learn guitar in his teens (age 15), he later studied with Sabastio Tapajos and, notably, at London's Guildhall School of Music. His first notable recordings occurred during the mid-1980s when he appeared as a member of King Swamp and later on Phil Collins' solo album, ...But Seriously. He later appeared as a guitarist on recordings by Sting, and has gone on to work on every Sting album and...
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