Jann Browne | zh

1)Janne is the singer of the former jazz band Room Eleven, she's also known as Janne Schra 2)Janne is an estonian popsinger. Former Nexus member Janne started her career back in automn 2006 with releasing a single, which game very popular in Estonia. After takin a little break, Janne released her second single called "Shiny Lights". It's an up-tempo popsong. 3)Janne is a Finnish male singer/songwriter/guitarist. His career as a musician started in 2007-2008. The songs are acoustic guitar ballads, sung in English. .
Janne Da Arc (ジャンヌダルク) was a japanese rock band. They were able to mix an edgy, crisp sound with catchy melodies-satisfying both hardcore rock/metal fans and those who prefer simple melody. members : Yasu (currently in Acid Black Cherry) as vocalist you on guitar 松本和之/DAMIJAW (Kazuyuki Matsumoto / ka-yu) on bass kiyo on keyboards shuji on drums Osaka 1989. At the age of 14, Yasu and Ka-yu, who went to school together, decide to form a band. The two recruit Kiyo and Chiba. The formation is Yasu on vocals, Ka-yu on bass, Chiba on drums and Kiyo on keyboard. For...
Real Name: Jannat Mahed Mahgoub Arabic: جنات Birthday: 6th of January 1986 Birth Place: Morocco 21 songs were recorded & only 10 were included in the album. The album was really a hit; she shot "Aktar men sana" as the clip and the audiences say that her voice is so tender & warm & her feelings are high & this is reflected on the songs & her voice. The album has a total of 10 songs, a mix between love, sadness & being hurt & songs to show a strong woman…. When Jannat is not singing she listens to others,...
Jackson Browne,杰克森 布朗 创作歌手的典范,六、七十年代即已成名,民谣摇滚标志性人物。 打从60年代中期于加州民谣圈发迹以来,Jackson Browne就以南加州民谣摇滚客自居,73年与The Eagles团员Glenn Frey合写畅销金曲“Take It Easy”打开创作名气,74年专辑《Late For The Sky》荣获滚石杂志推选为史上最佳百张专辑之一,他那充满自省风格的歌词文采于76年TOP 5专辑《The Pretender》中大放光芒,77年经典大碟《Running On Empty》进一步实践摇滚乐纪录片的创作概念,有棱有角的勾勒出人生旅程百态,专辑大破700万张,造就“Running On Empty”、“The Load Out、Stay”等TOP 40单曲,80年专辑《Hold Out》勇夺冠军宝座,82年持续以“Somebody’s Baby”、“Lawyers In Love”、“Tender Is The Night”攻占TOP 30之林,86年专辑《Lives In The Balance》更被华盛顿邮报推崇为“一张质疑文化帝国主义、美国外交政策与美国梦的尖锐深刻的政治歌曲唱作”,并成就另一张滚石杂志最佳百张专辑,89年专辑《World In Motion》对政治与相关议题的探讨更是鞭辟入里。从自我内在的情感抒怀到对周遭环境的观点陈述,Jackson Browne以锐利的笔触与平实的歌声,真诚的扮演着歌者表达情感与看法的角色,除了个人专辑,Linda Ronstadt、The Byrds、Bonnie Riatt等歌手的专辑也都听得到他的创作才华,99、2001年还分别与Bonnie Riatt、Joan Baez合唱“Kisses Sweeter Than Wife”、“Guantanamera”。全球历年专辑累积超越1500万张的销售证明优质创作亦能同样享有商业销售的魔力。 2002年2月,Jackson Browne获颁John Steinbeck奖 (表扬对环境与社会价值观察有卓越成就的艺术工作者,之前只有导演John Sales、剧作家Arthur Miller、Bruce Springsteen获颁此奖),同年秋季推出的大碟《The Naked Ride Home》是他个人继96年专辑《Looking East》后睽违多时的创作,由他与Kevin McCormick (Melissa Etheridge的制作人)担纲制作,录音工程则是交由曾为Bruce Springsteen、Bryan Adams、Shawn Colvin专辑担任录音的巨将Bob Clearmountain操刀,专辑中有痛批美国政治现实与消费主义的《Casino Nation》、嘲弄性别议题的标题曲《The Naked Ride Home》、葛莱美奖得主Marc Cohen合声的福音风味情歌《Don't You Want To Be There》、弥漫着雷鬼气息的清新摇滚曲《For Taking The Trouble》、宣泄自我情绪的《The Night Inside Me》,还有向西部片导演Sergio Leone致敬的《Sergio Leone》,走过30年的光阴,Jackson Browne在新专辑中又一次成功的均衡了诗意与失意,调和了浪漫神采与社会意识,他依然是个很酷的加州摇滚客, 而岁月的痕迹让他的成熟内涵更显深厚。 .