MVS Television | zh

The most immediately striking component of Human Televisions sound is the guitar. Its perpetually jangly and deliciously upbeat, calling to mind all those underrated Teen Beat and Sarah Records bands who stood at the forefront of what some considered a Golden Age for our lovably nerdy counterculture. The production style is understated and really, barely noticeable; everything's crisp and relatively clear, but refreshingly free of any sterilizing sheen. The subject matter covered by frontman Billy Downing boredom, failed relationships, etc. is far from revolutionary, but the phrasing and presentation of his lyrics boast enough subtle nuance to take something fairly...
Television乐队这个曾经影响过无数音乐人的乐队,每个成员都是明星和艺术家。乐队的核心人物是汤姆魏尔伦(Tom Verlaine),不过这个名字是后改的。另一个改名的人是乐队的吉他手Richard Hell,他原名Meyers,后自己改做Hell(地狱)。汤姆魏尔伦于1949年生人,68年移居先锋诞出的格林尼治村,早先是个古典钢琴演奏家。70年代,他和他的两个朋友Richard Hell和Billy Ficca组建了乐队The Neon Boys(霓虹男孩),他担任吉他手、主唱和键盘,Hell担任贝斯,Ficca是鼓。之后,确切的说是1973年,节奏吉他手Richard Lloyd加入,乐队更名为Television并开始在纽约的Town House演出,也得到了很多地下音乐爱好者的追随。1973年是一个比性手枪还老的年份,事实上他们也的确影响了性手枪--此时,随着他们的乐迷越来越多,Television开始在纽约著名的CBGB俱乐部演出,为美国的朋克运动烧上了自己的一把火。再再之后,Elektra和他们签约,并有了他们的第一张正式的专辑Marquee Moon(华盖之月)。这也是公认他们最好的一张专辑。这张专辑在本土美国反响平平,但在英国却好评如潮。这也是CBGB时代中的普遍现象--包括雷蒙斯, 再再再之后,这支辉煌的乐队解散了,仅仅存在了五年。主唱个人发展,也出了一些专辑,并有自己的拥护者(基本是Television的拥护者),比如 David Bowie。除此以外,他还作为吉他手和Arranger出现在Patti Smith的几张专辑中,最后的动向是Jeff Buckley专辑的制作人和混音师。吉他手Lloyd也发行了自己的专辑;至于Richard Hell,除了最为著名的Voidoids乐队以外,还组建过Dim Stars(暗星)和The Heartbreakers(碎心人),和他合作的分别是Sonic Youth的灵魂人物和New York Dolls的吉他手。   Television的曲势和节奏复杂异常,远不是普通的朋克乐队乃至摇滚乐队可以做到的。更为难得的是,在这样复杂的曲势下还有着充满感情和灵性的吉他弹奏。他们洞悉和掌握了音乐的语言。他们明白他们所要的表达内容和表达方式。这也正说明了他们并不把音乐当作玩具或者言论载体。   乐队取名为Television,没有人解释为什么。也许是因为Tom Verlaine连起来恰好是TV,也许是因为电视在当时正在成为垃圾中产慢性自杀的主要方法。包括音乐电视在内的很多大工业生产附属品都是地地道道的美国产物。空洞的欲望,永无休止的广告,放大的空虚在整个城市上空飘荡。而这些青春期的少年,带着早熟的暴力,拒绝进入污秽的成人世界。乐队以诗人的敏感找到了这个时代的反讽,把它用作了自己的标志。 .
Television Room are a band that for whatever reason came together in Dublin in 2007. They make music using drums, bass, synthesizers, melodicas, glockenspeils, guitars, piano, mandolins, shakers, singing, shouting and whatever else they can think of. .
Ghosts of Television is 5 young boys making hypnotic, accusatory music for frightened angry people. Their music is party music for subterranean prisons and bedtime music for rabid insomniacs. .
Hailing from Malmö, Sweden, the band line-up is; Vocals, guitar and other stuff: Jon Rinneby Bass: Stellan Lofberg Drums and vocals: Erik Willman The band released their eponymous debut album in October of 2011. Turn off your television have been compared to Sparklehorse and Grandaddy and have a similar mellow, country-tinged, post-rock sound to these artists. .