Marshall Allen Matthew Shipp Joe Morris | zh

Carla Morrison is a Mexican singer who lives in Baja California Mexico, whose business is to create music with pedals with clips and loops, along with her keyboard and electroacoustic guitar effects, based on their songs build with layers live music second to third and quarters voices of herself ... In their sound you can feel the melancholy and the feeling of a very innovative proposal and avant-garde, as entertaining as it gives a lot chipazos melody and happiness .. In early 2006 Carla begins to interact with various rock cover bands in Spanish, at the end after six months...
Klaus Hallen is probably best known for his tribute CDs, where the music of a popular artist like Barbra Striesand or Frank Sinatra is featured on a CD. Unlike some dance CDs which use the version by the original artist Klaus Hallen's orchestra plays the piece of music in strict-time accompanied by the vocals of an impersonator. The quality of the vocals is not only excellent but often surprising, in it's ability to so closely match the original artist. .
Allen Watts known as Alle Wagt was born in 1980 in a small town called Tolbert (groningen),now lives in Roden (Drenthe). He has been producing since 2009 and a first release in 2012 called "What May Come" on Terminal4 Records sublabel of Blackhole Recordings .
来自英国Rugby的新生代歌手James Morrison,21岁的他走的是爵士灵魂乐的路线。James Morrison的处女专辑还没出来,就在网上看到很多blogger对这专辑质疑,一个20来岁的小孩能做出什么样的音乐?如果你还记得两年前,一个一样长着娃娃脸的23岁 Jamie Cullum几乎颠覆了整个欧美对爵士乐的传统看法。那么今天,也许James Morrison会让你对新生代歌手再次刮目相看。 我先声明一下,除了名字都是J开头以外,其实James Morrison和Jamie Cullum的音乐没有任何可比性。Jamie Cullum的音乐注重的是人声和钢琴的配合,而James Morrison的王牌则是他的嗓音。James的声音比一般男歌手厚实,音域比一般男歌手广阔,很像年轻版的Cat Stevens。他的爵士灵魂乐有着一种充满娱乐的姿态,他的嗓子特质是感情表达直接,恰如其分的舒服演绎是其卖点。而他衣冠不整、一副街头坏小子的样子,则再次大大颠覆了爵士乐手黑白西装、衣冠楚楚的典雅形象。 《Undiscovered》是专辑里最能体现James Morrison嗓音质感和创作才华的一首歌,简单明亮的旋律、饱满的感情、单纯却百听不厌;《Pieces Don't Fit Anymore》、《You Give Me Something》、《Wonderful World》和《Better Man》是这张专辑里我最喜欢的另外四首歌,至于喜欢的原因,已经在介绍别的专辑时说过无数次了,其实听音乐就像谈恋爱,真正能让你心动的总不外那些东西。 在环球的打造下,James Morrison得以著名制作人Jools Holland(Damien Rice, James Blunt)的栽培,他更有幸成为了今年英国最火女新人Corinne Bailey Rae的英国巡回演出的表演嘉宾,而他的第一张EP 《You Give Me Something》也吊足歌迷的胃口,只要配合好适当的宣传,James Morrison成名自然是水到渠成的事情。好了,说到这,所有的评论都已不再需要了,你有两个选择,要么马上开始听,要么等到60岁再听。 .
Make every word count. This has long been the mantra of Hoodie Allen, the New York based rapper and songwriter. With a penchant for candid storytelling and witty punchlines, Hoodie has always been an emcee who understood the importance of connecting with the audience through his lyrics. A purveyor of summertime anthems, Hoodie Allen has gained notable buzz on the internet for his unique genre-blending style, unafraid to sample from unconventional sources. His most recent work samples a diverse array of artists and sounds from UK pop singers (Marina & The Diamonds & Eliza Doolittle) to indie rock staples and...