Mind Necrosis Factor vs Kenji Siratori | zh

1) Pre Glass and Ashes. 2) Dubstep artist from Riga, Latvia. http://soundcloud.com/kenji-2 3) Diverse electro-symphonic project from Ust-Ilimsk, Russia. First album Daylight released by USC in 2012. .
Mindless Self Indulgence,简称“MSI”,不是微星哈,这是一支很独特的PUNK乐队,在北美地区很受欢迎 这张Mindless Self Indulgence专辑在本国取得了骄人的成绩外,唱片的封面也花费了大量的功夫,光看封面就会被吸引的感觉,乌贼与小白兔令人颇为新意,粉红色搭配背景图片尤其漂亮。再听这张专辑同样那么的精彩有趣,不要被里面的人声所吸引只要你认真听取,你不但被人声所迷住同样还有里面的那些好听的音乐。 这张名为《Another Mindless Rip Off》专辑全碟10首歌曲首首都是动人的舞曲,令我听取十分的快活,在忙碌的工作中能放松一下自已,听一下这张专辑还是一项不错的选择,Mindless Self Indulgence乐团在这张专辑中对于主音歌手现在的转变方式来的比较特色,原因在于他本来就不怎么样激越的喉咙,唱起这类舞曲作品时的那份艰难,真让人担心。而作品的编排,零散随意,彼此之间的结合做作苍白,硬生生糟了专辑的绝好创意。 可以明显地感觉到Mindless Self Indulgence “大举进攻”似乎越发缥缈了,电子韵味更加明显,但是舞曲节奏感的体验好像已经持续变谈,这张《Another Mindless Rip Off》同样让人有这样的感受,这可能会让部分电子死党对他们的兴趣日益减少。对于发展迅猛的电子乐,“大举进攻”的确已经过了引领风骚的年代。如果要想全面了解他们是否会继续朝着更为内敛电子的方向前进恐怕还得等他们下一张专辑了。 .
earthmind is a Japanese band that consists of Erina (vocals), Ommy (guitar), and Jun Takai (bass). The group made their debut in 2011 with the song “B-Bird“, which was used as the theme song to the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam UC episode4". .
DEAD FACTORY, the project of Maciej Mutwil, has been active since 2001. Hailing from the region of Silesia, sonic- and imagewise it revolves around the themes of heavy industry found in that part of Poland, which serves as the biggest source of influence. The sounds and images from his surroundings are transformed in his music. DEAD FACTORY discography consists of 2 demo CDRs "Solitude" and "Nowhere"; "Indusreality" MCD, a split release with ATUM and a few web releases. After the recording hiatus, DEAD FACTORY returns with a new album, first time on a regular, silver CD. "Nachtmusik" is available on...
Chicago underground jazz/electronica/beat fusion with yummy vibrations. Reminder is the solo outing of Chicago scene staple Josh Abrams, whose bass playing has held the groove for many artists over the past ten years. A departure from the avant and jazz roots of his Town & County and Sticks & Stones projects, Abrams takes a cue from his residency as a member of Prefuse 73's backing band (if you've seen Prefuse live and felt your body vibrate, it was more than likely thanks to Josh's bass). Here, he ventures into beat constructions and sample-based compositions, yet his tracks possess a rich...