Naevus Spiritual Front | zh

There are 3 known artists with name Ostfront: 1.Dark Ambient / Death Industrial project from Kharkiv, Ukraine. Albums have been released on Hearse Records, Feindesland Verlag and Blutgift Records. 2. Oi! / Street Punk band from Germany. 3. Industrial Metal / NDH band from Berlin, Germany. They released a single "Fleisch" at year 2011. Correct tag for this band is Ost+Front. .
The original band was Front Line, which played from March until November of 1982. The band was from Norfolk, Virginia, and the members were Jeff Clites on guitar, Ron Stullenbarger on bass, Rusty Floyd on drums, and Andre Ceniceros singing. Jeff was the leader and founder of the band. As a side note, if anyone out there knew Jeff, he died of a heart attack on March 28, 2002. There were no places booking shows in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area, so Jeff hooked up with Mike from White Cross in Richmond. Mike got Front Line shows over the summer of...
Nordfront is a German rechtsrock band from Hannover. The Band was founded in 1997 and recorded their first Album "Werft Sie Raus" (Throw 'em out!) in the following year. Till 2005 they released another 3 Albums and one Vinyl EP. Nordfront is playing on several Rock Concerts, most of them on "Blood-and-Honour" in Holland (Netherlands) Albums and EP's : * 1998: Demo (CD) * 1999: Live in Denmark '98 (CD) * 2000: Werft sie raus (CD, banned in 2004) * 2002: Argonnerwald (CD) * 2002: Gefangen im Fadenkreuz (Vinyl-EP) * 2003: Dunkle Macht (CD) * 2005: Jahre der Schande (CD)...
(1. Born out of Canada’s original Border Town Windsor, Ontario. Frontiers are steadily extending there reach throughout Canada. Musically they delve deep into genres of Folk, Blues, Punk, and Rock to build an unique sound that is truly inspiring. Known for inspiring live shows, Frontiers seem to have a direct connection with their audience. Raw, emotional, and captivating. Frontiers know no bounds. (2. American psychedelic, orchestral. and experimental rock from Oakland, California. Debut album Windfall released January 2015 .