naomi goro | zh

两人组合Naomi,1996年,Bernd和Nico巧遇在去同一个音乐工作室的车站上,接着他们发现他们喜欢同一本书、同一种饮料,有相似的音乐品位,更巧的是他们在汉堡的居住地只相隔两条街,这么多巧合足以让他们合伙,两人一拍即合,开始共同创作。之后一直做些小样,也打碟。1999年寄了他们的小样到Mole Listening Pearls,之后顺利签约。 .
There are several bands with the name Goro. 1) Goro is an experimental/doom metal band based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, named for the character Goro from the video game Mortal Kombat. In Mortal Kombat, Goro is a fighter with four arms. In order to replicate their namesake, the band's vocalists Adam Jaros and Brian Wiers tape themselves back-to-back during performances. Goro performs songs mostly written by Joel Schrauben who also performs solo as Gates McFadden and as part of the band Fields of Industry. Goro's first release, Henry Kissinger EP, was released on Arts Vs Entertainment in 2008. 2) Goro...
Gorgoroth是一支很大牌也很著名的元老级的挪威黑金属乐队    Gorgoroth平原是J.R.R.Tolkien小说<>里中土大陆的虚构地名,位于Mordor西北部。 魔戒圣战时期Gorgoroth是Mordor的兵工厂。    由于Gorgoroth平原上布满了火山灰,因此Gorgoroth平原也被称为“魔炎平原”。    Gorgoroth[蝈鸽肉丝]这怪异的读音及其联系上半兽人和魔王Sauron的缘故,在和Satan达成协议的1992那一年里,挪威众多黑金属乐队中最具代表性之一的Gorgoroth乐队在Infernus的带领下从此立地成魔。 极富传奇色彩的乐队。他们也成为为数不多可以被NB这样大公司认可,同时也可以被歌迷,甚至圈内乐手所尊敬的黑暗金属乐队。Gorgoroth乐队的影响可以和任何一个挪威黑暗金属乐队相比。 Gorgoroth的第一张专辑Pentagram,很多人认为这也是几代阵容中最强的。对于这张专辑的评价有两种不同的意见,一方面认为这张唱片还不够成熟;另外有一些人认为这是Gorgoroth最棒的唱片,后面的作品也再难超越。的确这是一张结构非常简单的唱片,这张唱片影响了后面的很多黑暗金属乐队,特别是现在国内一片赞扬声的 Graveland、Nargaroth等德国、东欧以及法国一些乐队,如果说他们对哪张唱片下跪?那一定有Pentagram。在Gorgoroth的音乐中你听不到任何人情冷暖的变化,只有冰冷无际的黑暗,和其他同期挪威黑暗金属作品不同的是,Gorgoroth更冷漠,更邪恶。这是挪威黑暗金属里上最重要的作品之一!在我心目中可以和A Blaze in the northren Sky有着同样的地位。 Gorgoroth的老专辑Antichrist来感受一下真正的黑金属味道,冰冷、残酷和流畅凶猛的编曲,用这张专辑足以定义黑金属,不加修饰的死嗓在乐队近期的专辑中已经消失,如今能保留这种原始声音的乐队已经不多。 这支挪威黑金属劲旅,可以说从Antichrist以后的专辑,风格变化比较大,由原始的黑金属转变成大量运用合成效果的所谓现代黑金属,突出表现为键盘和工业金属效果的运用。我个人认为他们的尝试并没有Dimmu Borgir成功,除了后来的Incipit Satan外,其他专辑在听第一首时我就决定放弃,原来的Pentagram已经完全一去不复返了,现在的专辑中也不是纯粹的黑嗓了,更像是在念经,带着恶狠狠的电子效果。 Gorgoroth歌手Gaahl曾经由于袭击一个41岁的男子被判监禁18个月。并赔偿75,000NOK(挪威货币单位)。 .
Gorodisch is Stephen Cracknell, who also leads The Memory Band and is a member of The Accidental. Prior to releasing records as Gorodisch he performed as a guitarist on a number of tracks released by the now defunct Bristol label Cup Of Tea, including the elusive Grantby, while running a business importing obscure vinyl albums from America. He then went on to be one of the founder members of Trunk Records who released the 'Super Sounds Of Bosworth' series and 'The Wicker Man' OST. After 'The Wicker Man' release Cracknell left Trunk to concentrate on the making music. Gorodisch (the...
Nigoro is a Japanese team of three developers: duplex, Naramura and Samieru. Their real names are not known. The team originally started using the name GR3 Project and under that moniker they are best known for La•Mulana (2005), a game that was five years in development. Afterwards they changed the name to Nigoro and started working on smaller browser games that received a large following. .