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  蟑螂老爹(Papa Roach),美国硬摇滚、另类金属、新金属乐队,来自加利福尼亚州瓦卡维尔。处女专辑《Infest》于2000年发售,自此打响名堂。截止至2013年,乐队的销量大破2000万。 1994年,Papa Roach乐队推出了他们的第一张专辑《Potatoes for Christmas》。 1996年,Tobin Esperance接替贝斯手James的职务加入乐队,随之发行的第二张专辑《Old Friends From Young Years》。作品建立了乐队突出的Hip-Hop风格,并意外的成为了当地电台点播率极高的唱片,而后在SUICIDAL TENDENCIES和INCUBUS等乐队的帮助下,Papa Roach逐渐被更多乐迷所喜爱。 乐队终于顺利在2000年推出了畅销在世界逾七百万张的首张主流大厂(梦工厂唱片公司)专辑《Infest》(寄生),这是一张充分反映了美国当代人所面临的种种问问题的作品。如“Broken Home”中有关离婚的话题,“Between Angels And Insects”中所反映的现代人的物质主义倾向,以及“Binge”与“Thrown Away”中对于酗酒与药物滥用的看法等等,而乐队最大胆指出的则是在“Last Resort”当中反映的“自杀倾向”议题。《Infest》专辑中的许多歌曲都拨动了美国年轻人的心弦,作品在荣登摇滚榜冠军后,不少歌曲也成为了当年极为热门的大热单曲,乐队由此也获得了当年格莱美“最佳新晋乐团”提名。 2002年,新专辑《Lovehatetragedy》(爱·恨·悲剧) 问世,唱片发行首周即空降专辑榜亚军,同时创立New Noize厂牌,乐队开始逐渐摆脱自己曾经建立起的Rap-Metal曲风,开始朝向主流摇滚界进军。同时获得黄金销量! 乐队第四张专辑《Getting Away With Murder》(浩劫余生/本人最爱)于2004年发行,唱片全面强攻了英国专辑榜冠军以及美国专辑榜TOP17的位置,并且再次达成了全球销量超过两百八十万的白金大碟。而且专辑中的主打曲之一Scars也拿下了2005年公告榜单TOP100的TOP15的位置,公告牌连续50周在TOP40前的位置 在两年的巡演与修正后,乐队于2006年带来了他们的第五张全长度录音室专辑《The Paramour Sessions/本人最爱》(无声电影工作大厦),全新的聆听感受使乐队不再拘泥于Nu-Metal的调调。来自于早期80年代硬式摇滚的气息扑面而来。闯入主流摇滚榜TOP11与现代摇滚榜的TOP15;首波主打曲目无疑是WWE(美国职业摔角娱乐)旗下联盟RAW于2006年度开场曲“To Be Loved”这首单曲,放肆的呐喊于激烈的鼓点都预示着人们心中的梦想与希望,让人有种无形的冲劲,去挑战任何困难。而在厚实的鼓击与吉他音网交织下的“Alive(N’Out Of Control)”单曲,如同失控一般,主唱Jacoby Shaddix的高分贝呐喊令人心潮澎湃;悦耳动听的中板摇滚之作“Forever”更是成为了众多电台于电视节目的推荐曲目;重拾了80年代摇滚感动之触觉的“What Do You Do?”在招牌式的合声与吉他Solo的驱使下,触发着摇滚铁汉的柔情......《The Paramour Sessions》完全可以被看作是一张乐队跻身主流摇滚界的强悍力作,Papa Roach几乎达成了他们的摇滚传奇的梦想(美国梦在音乐发面的体现)。而且连续第四次拿下金唱片 2008年1月,乐队的胖子鼓手Dave Buckner离开了Papa Roach,而后乐队请来了Unwritten Law乐队的Tony Palermo担任鼓手。2008年10月26日,乐队发行了新专辑的首支单曲“Hollywood Whore”(好莱坞妓女);2009年1月9日,Papa Roach在Myspace上放出了新专辑第二波单曲“Lifeline”(生命线)。2009年3月24日,本来命名为《Days Of War,Nights Of Love》的新专辑,但因为为了能突出乐队十年历程,所以最终更名为《Metamorphosis》(脱变)的全新专辑终于发行。《Metamorphosis》几乎可以看作是《The Paramour Sessions》的2.0升级版,同样流畅而上口的作品比比皆是,且更具大牌明星风范,将摇滚乐的火辣、嚣张、叛逆和狂放不羁表现的淋漓尽致。据网上流传的各种消息,很有可能此专辑的销量达到了1200多万张以上,虽然没有确凿证据,但也体现出了papa roach在粉丝心中的地位。 2010年,papa roach 发行了专辑【papa roach best of to be loved】,其中大多是2000至2009的主打以及人们喜爱的曲目。其中还加入三首不插电曲目神曲scars 和Had enough。外加现场收音电台最佳曲目--forever 2010年,乐队再度发行新作,新歌(五首新歌)+现场的专辑《Time for Annihilation... On the Record & On the Road》几乎成为了乐队即将到来的建军20周年的纪念预热。其中单曲Brun也拿下了2010年公告牌摇滚榜单的TOP15。从当年的新金属大潮中崛起的生猛新军,到如今的一呼百应的主流巨星,Papa Roach带着他们儿时的梦想一步一步攀登险峰,抵达后向着新的目的地再度启程。。。。。 2012年10月2日再发新专辑,也是第8张专辑【the connection】。辑中加入不少电子,pop,雷鬼等元素。使其更加流行,大众化。其主打曲still swinging早在夏日发行。其中where Did The Angels Go夺下了摇滚榜单第一冠军的位置。其专辑也在摇滚音乐榜上多下了TOP2亚军的宝座!主打歌still swinging也在top10摇滚歌曲拿下了第9.两个月的时间在美国的销量突破80000余张 .
Founded by trombonist Arne Bue Jensen in Copenhagen, Denmark back in 1956. Around the globe - from Canada to Thailand, from Greenland to Australia, from Kenya to Japan and for more than 40 years , the band is still one of the leading traditional jazz bands in Europe. In New Orleans Papa Bue was presented with the golden key to that city of Jazz. The band has made more than 100 recordings so far and topping the lists in Germany, England, The Netherlands and of course their native Denmark. .
Papa San is a former reggae/dancehall artist turned gospel singer, from Jamaica but based in Weston, Florida, USA. Having had his first smash while still just a teenager in the mid-80s, Papa San's phenomenal, ongoing reign on international music charts earned him the nickname Marathon Man, as it was not uncommon for him to simultaneously hold down several positions in the Top 10 at any given time, as well as to long runs at No.1 that still no reggae or Dancehall artist to date has surpassed. In 1994 he filled dance floors around the world with The Programme, which also...
Papar is a folk band from Iceland who play mostly covers. The band was formed in November 1986 on the Icelandic island of Vestmannaeyjar. Dan Cassidy (violin) is the brother of singer Eva Cassidy. Páll "palli" Eyjólfsson (electronic board/accordion) Vignir "viggi" ólafsson (banjo) Georg "goggi" ólafsson (bass) Matthías "matti" Matthíasson (vocals) Eysteinn (drums) Dan Cassidy (violin) .
There is more than one artist under this name: 1. Papaya (Linnéa Handberg Lund), also known as Miss Papaya or Lynn, is a danish dance/bubblegum artist, best known for her songs Pink Dinosaur, Operator and Hero, featured on the game Dance Dance Revolution. 2. Papaya was a girl band from South Korea. They released two albums, 동화 (Donghwa) and Violet, before disbanding due to unpopularity. 3. Papaya Is a band compromising of members from Lisbon, NYC, and Barcelona. They include members of Portuguese band Adorno. They released a one sided 12" LP named UM/I on record label Adagio Records. .
找到了 121 歌曲, 持续时间: 07:34:19
(Down At) Papa Joe's
(Down At) Papa Joe's
Le chemin de papa
Lookin' for My Baby
Rattlesnake Joe
JOE PAPA Slowed + Reverb
Tu Boca
Papa Joe
Papa Joe
Papa Joe
Papa Joe
Papa Joe
Papa Was Too
Papa Joe
Le chemin de papa' Joe Dassin 1969
Papa was too (instrumental)
Papa Was Too
Papa Joe
Papa Joe - 1972
Сквозь Сны
Papa's Little Angel
В трёх словах
Papa Was Too
Rattlesnake Joe (Extended Mix)
Papa Was Too
Papa Joe's
Sorry,Papa Joe
Papa Joe Ft. Sergio Contreras
A1 Papa Was Too
Papa's Dream
(Down At) Papa Joe's
Sweet Papa Joe
Papa Joe, the Padrone