Pip Skid | zh

Skid Row于1986年由前Bon Jovi乐队的吉它手Dave "Snake" Sabo一手创建,是90年代垃圾摇滚(Grunge)进入流行风潮前最后一支长发金属(Hair Metal)乐队。成立初期只是为一些知名的摇滚乐队暖场,包括曾担任过Bon Jovi乐队美国巡演的暖场乐队等。Sebastian Bach作为主唱加入后,Skid Row迎来了自己的黄金组合。待时机成熟后,Skid Row 在重金属最红火的 1989 年推出了首张流行重金属风格的同名专辑,在这张专辑中,有一首描写青少年犯罪问题的“18 And Lives”被后世传为经典,成为乐队的代表作。专辑一炮打响,仅在美国的销量便超过 500 万张。而在此后的巡演中,凭借帅气的长相和十足的金属个性,主唱Bach迅速成为大批乐迷和媒体的宠儿。 乐队在 1991 年推出了第 2 张专辑《Slave To The Grind》成功驾驭了 Trash Metal 这种难度极大的音乐风格。Bach 逼近极限高音发挥的可谓淋漓尽致,使这支年轻的乐队显得非常老练。虽然专辑的商业味并不浓,但还是迅速地登上了 Billboard 专辑榜的榜首。 1995 年,Skid Row 出版第 3 张专辑《Subhuman Race》,但这次成绩让人失望。专辑的销量明显低与前两张。此后的 Skid Row 矛盾四起,主唱 Bach 与其他成员矛盾加剧,最终离开乐队。Skid Row依然存在,并且发售了《Thick Skin》专辑,但是已经远远不能和它的黄金时代相比了。 .
The Skids were a punk band formed in Dunfermline, Scotland by Stuart Adamson (on guitars, vocals, keyboards, percussion), Richard Jobson ( vocals, guitar, keyboards), Thomas Kellichan (drums) and William Simpson (bass guitar, vocals) in 1977. They signed to Virgin and issued "Sweet Suburbia" and "The Saints Are Coming" before shooting to popularity with top ten single "Into The Valley", from their first album "Scared to Dance". Both Dunfermline Athletic FC and Charlton Athletic FC use "Into the Valley" as a theme song. The Skids continue to enjoy popularity with two top 20 singles, "Masquerade" and "Working for the Yankee Dollar",...
True to their name, North Carolina's Southern Culture on the Skids offer an affectionate parody of local white-trash trailer-park culture, matching their skewed outlook with a wild, careening brand of rock & roll. SCOTS' music is a quintessentially Southern-fried amalgam of rockabilly, boogie, country, blues, swamp pop, and chitlin circuit R&B, plus a liberal dose of California surf guitar, a hint of punk attitude, and the occasional mariachi horns. Following an early incarnation as a relatively straightforward roots rock outfit, they morphed into a raucous, sleazy, tongue-in-cheek party band obsessed with sex and food; in fact, fried chicken became a...
Seven-time San Diego Music Award nominee Gayle Skidmore has written over 2000 songs since she began songwriting at the age of 8. A born songwriter, her natural ability and innate passion for music made her music career unavoidable. Gayle Skidmore won Best Pop in the 2015 San Diego Music awards and best folk song for "Rag Doll" in the 2015 Akademia Music Awards. Her latest album and coloring book, “Sleeping Bear,” won Best Pop Album in the 2014 San Diego Music Awards. She won Best Singer-Songwriter in the 2013 San Diego Music Awards, and her song "Paper Box" was featured...