Plastic Mastery | zh

成员组成 主音: Arimura Ryutaro 吉他: Nakayama Akira 贝司: Hasegawa Tadashi 鼓手: Satou KenKen 鼓手: Sasabuchi Hiroshi [2002 / 2009 - 脱退] 鼓手: Shin [1993 / 1994 - 脱退] 鼓手: Takashi [1994 / 2001 - 脱退] 传记 Plastic Tree成立于1993年12月。在数番变更鼓手后,line-up最终确立为以令人愉悦的声音和暗黑阴郁甚至经常流露出焦躁的歌词为人所知晓的有村竜太郎担当主唱,担当乐队队长并负责大部分乐曲制作的長谷川正为贝司,也贡献了不少作曲的アキラ(Akira)担当吉他,以及Takashi为鼓手。 在Live House的演出中无料配布几张单曲后,1995年Plastic Tree发行了首张mini album《Strange fruits-奇妙な果実-》。这张专辑有dark sound的演绎,而且很明显受到了The Cure和Radiohead等乐队的影响。1997年乐队正式出道,很快发行了首张full-length专辑《Hide and Seek》。下一年发行了第二张专辑《Puppet Show》。这张专辑以阴郁的声线和受到的一些新浪潮影响为特点,是Plastic Tree早期作品的代表。 2000年Plastic Tree发行了第三张专辑《Parade》,可被视为标志着Plastic Tree声音变化的一个作品。《Parade》与之前的专辑一样有着同样的dark sound,但因为这张专辑稍有些流行化故而更容易让人接受。 2001年初,鼓手Takashi离队。一年后,ササブチヒロシ(简称为Buchi)加入。这好似Plastic Tree的一个全新开始。并不仅仅是因为鼓手的更迭,而且因为他们的音乐愈发朝向流行摇滚的方向演变着,听起来更乐观了点并渐渐沾染上英伦摇滚的味道。 尽管不是每个人都乐见Plastic Tree音乐风格的变化,Plastic Tree继续发行为数不少的单曲和专辑,并成功地用音乐打动了越来越多的人。 2004年,随着专辑《Cell》在8月的发行,时运再次青睐这个乐队。一个新任sound engineer的加入给乐队激发了新的声音,同时乐队似乎反倒回归了他们的始源。《Cell》发行后不久Plastic Tree宣布离开"SWEETHEART"唱片公司,移籍到"J-ROCK"。随之还有一些其他变化,比如官方网站变动了,fanclub也由"Sickroom"变更为"Jellyfish breed"。 2006年夏,乐队终于试水海外,他们计划了一场世界巡演,包括在德国、法国和芬兰的欧洲巡演和在墨西哥的两场演出。不幸的是,墨西哥的演出最终被取消。但是欧洲的演出却获得了极大的成功。在欧洲的演出如此成功,以至于一年后乐队再次回来参与德国动漫展AnimagiC的演出。 2007年6月27日乐队发行专辑《ネガとポジ》,一张乐队成员们把他们的自我满意置为首要的专辑。通过这张专辑,乐队清楚彰明了他们是谁,他们代表着什么,Plastic Tree究竟是什么,而且结果美妙绝伦。9月8日,Plastic Tree在日本音乐界具传奇地位的日本武道馆举办了十周年纪念的演唱会"ゼロ"(Zero)。随后的十月,乐队再次踏上了巡演的旅途,在台北、高雄和欧洲的瑞典、德国等地举办了 “Merry Go Around The World”世界巡演。 2008年9月24日乐队最新的专辑《ウツセミ》发行,登上了Oricon Chart第9位。 2009年2月23日Buchi在官网发表脱退宣告,并在3月19日fanclub限定live“Plastic Tree FC限定ライブ”后正式脱退。而现今官网已经发布了8月30日在武道馆进行第二度演出的通告。 Ryutaro vocal   有村竜太朗(ryutarou)   生曰:1973.03.06   出身地:东京千叶   身高\体重:173cm\53kg   血型:AB   家庭成员:父母。妹妹   喜欢的食物:咖喱   讨厌的食物:纳豆   乐团经历:Religion Mix, Drop'in Shop lifters   队内担当:主唱、作词、作曲、吉他、美术设计、Akira的老婆(老公?)、其他两只的老公或老   婆(总之大家纷纷跟太朗结婚了、汗|||||) ◎童年和少年时代几乎被孤立,也不愿接近他人。朋友只有学校或回家路上遇到的小动物,以及   那些不会说话的静物。   ◎童年时常跟在乡下的奶奶身后一同唱歌,喜欢所有的老奶奶。   ◎讨厌上学,但热爱读书和诗歌。运动神经还不错,喜欢骑自行车到处瞎逛。   ◎高中时被邻校男生告白。   ◎发誓不结婚不生子。   ◎演唱会上经常说胡话、流泪或者满场乱窜。...
Tomoyuki Tanaka (田中知之, tanaka tomoyuki) is a J-pop artist/DJ, better known by his stage name of Fantastic Plastic Machine. He is considered to be part of the Shibuya-kei movement, drawing heavily from bossa nova, lounge music, house music, and '60s movie soundtracks, but he also incorporates many other types of music. Tanaka was born in Kyoto, Japan. In the late 1980s, Tanaka played as the bassist in a rock band called Margarine Strikes Back. Then in the early 1990s, Tanaka became a regular club DJ in the Kansai area, working as part of a DJ team known as Sound Impossible....
The Plastic Ono Band is a conceptual supergroup formed by John Lennon and Yoko Ono in 1969 before the dissolution of the Beatles. Among the various other members of the band were Eric Clapton, artist Klaus Voormann, future Yes drummer Alan White, Delaney and Bonnie Bramlett, & friends, the Who's drummer Keith Moon, New York band Elephant's Memory, Billy Preston, Nicky Hopkins, Phil Spector, drummer Jim Keltner, and, in a 2009 revival, Sean Lennon. .
There are at least two artists with the The Plastic Revolution. 1. An American poppunk band from San Diego, CA The Plastic Revolution (active from 2005 to present) 2. A Mexican indiepop group The Plastics Revolution from Mexico City DF, Mexico (active from 2007 to present) 1. This is for the American band The Plastic Revolution. The Plastic Revolution (TPR) began in 2005 as a conglomerate of emotions and experiences deep within an adolescent mind living in the new millennium. Fronted by Jake Skolnick and joined by his friends from San Diego State University, TPR began playing the college scene,...
The Plastic People of the Universe are a Czech underground rock band, experimental and strongly influenced by The Velvet Underground and Frank Zappa. The band was formed in 1968 in Prague by Milan Hlavsa less than a month after the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Soviet forces. Along with artistic advisor Ivan Martin Jirous, Josef Janíček and Jiří Kabeš they began staging concerts while the USSR was trying to "normalize" the Czech rock scene. Their non-conformity lead to their license to perform being revoked by communist authorities in 1970. Adding Canadian Paul Wilson as singer, they continued as a band, performing...
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