Pretty Addicted | zh

Derek Vincent Smith (born November 25, 1981) is an American electronic music artist who performs under the stage name Pretty Lights. He is also the proprietor of an associated music label, Pretty Lights Music. Smith's music relies heavily on digital sampling and crosses many genres, forming a combination of "glitchy hip-hop beats, buzzing synth lines, and vintage funk and soul samples.". Pretty Lights' sound is generated by manipulating samples and organic beats using the Novation X-Station, monome and the Akai MPD32. Smith uses these digital controllers to program the music production software Ableton Live 8. When performing live, Smith uses...
There are at least 2 bands named Addicted : 1) French southern-metal band featuring (former) members of Phazm, Imperial Sodomy, Agressor or Scarve formed in 2003. They released their first album, Recipe For The Sick, in 2008. 2) Addicted - Hardcore/Punk/Rock Bandmembers: Flo Stahl - guitar, vocals Mario Fiedler - drums, vocals René Fiedler - guitar Thomas Schreiner - bass Homepage: MySpace: Check Out Our Website And MySpace Profil And Have Fun! .
Pretty Balanced played from Nov 2004 to Feb 2010. For the last nine months of their existence, they were known as The Alphabet. They showcased a new sound that's been called piano chamber rock, rock electronica, and finally by the band, Ctrl+Alt+tronica: the amalgamation of classical instruments, primarily piano, violin, double bass, and contemporary ones- vocals, drums and plenty of electronics. On 18 April 2009, the band announced on its site that it was no longer Pretty Balanced, but would instead be performing under the name The Alphabet. On the band's website, Shimer says "it was a long time coming;...
Pretty Ricky(里奇美男团)——美国最High黑人偶像团体,欧美排行榜双料大赢家,R&B与Hip-Hop界元老级肯定,继Boy II Men、B2k之后,乐坛最具古惑魅力的黑人美少年组合,4位刚成年的嫩滑巧克力帅哥,推出最劲爆处男大碟《Bluestars(蓝调巨星)》!首发曲目《Grind With Me》,数月稳坐Billboard单曲榜Top 10宝座;男女通吃强档新作《Your Body》,突破少年情感禁忌,强健胴体笼络全球死忠粉丝;性感催情曲目《Juicy》,更是赚取了全球歌迷无数眼泪!   Pretty Ricky将R&B与Rap天衣无缝地链接起来,配以时尚动感的Hip-Hop激爽节奏,创作出的歌曲不仅没有突兀之感,反而让人流连忘返,百听不厌。与老前辈Boy II Men及师哥B2K相比,Pretty Ricky并没有拘泥于R&B的抒情曲风,而是将嘻哈音乐融会贯通,配以Pop、Dance、Jazz,甚至Latin等音乐元素,将数首作品打造得时尚无比,在保证优美曲调的前提下,充分运用黑人浑厚的音律及超强吐字能力,将每一首歌做深度加工,如此,一张代表了黑人音乐最高境界的大碟就这样问世了!   当然,Pretty Ricky的成功自然也少不了全球乐迷的大力支持。与其他黑人团体里总有那么一两个长相不尽如人意的特例划分界限,4个年纪轻轻的小伙子全是标准巧克力帅哥,不仅在黑人女歌迷中获得100%支持率,更俘获了全美不计其数的白人少女。超高质素的音乐、无可挑剔的帅气外表和威猛活力,这就是Pretty Ricky,他们颠覆了老大哥B2K在欧美乐坛举足轻重的地位,成为天才美少男团体的性感霸主! .
The Pretty Things are a 1960s and 1970s rock and roll band from London. They pioneered a raw approach to rhythm and blues (and later, psychedelia) that influenced a number of key bands of the 1960s British invasion, particularly The Rolling Stones, and David Bowie whose first hero was Phil May. Pretty Things was preceded by Little Boy Blue and the Blue Boys which consisted of Dick Taylor, fellow Sidcup Art College student Keith Richards and Mick Jagger. When Brian Jones joined Little Boy Blue and the Blues Boys as guitarist, Taylor was pushed from playing guitar to bass and...